Lance Hatami (
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 15:21:16 -0700
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.61 (Macintosh; U; PPC) Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 15:21:16 -0700 From: Lance Hatami <> Subject: Re: New ST OVA seriesThe first episode of the Sakura Taisen OVA series is from a story you can already read in the second "Night Before" series (chapter 4). It revolves around how Maria is in New York when this old "friend," Valentinof arrives back in her life. But, Maria can't forget her old lover, who was killed in battle (ST 1). This is right before Ayame appears and recruits Maria. While the first OVA series remained pretty close to the novels (same writer after all), the story synopsis on the Bandai page doesn't seem too close. Jon Stern wrote: > There's info on Bandai's page about the new series > for anyone interested at, > all in Japanese, of course. Apparently the first > episode is about a mysterious man from Maria's past. > At any rate, it looks like there'll be six episodes > altogether. Since it's going to be 5,800 yen for the > first 25-minute episode, I think I might just hold > off on this one for a while....^_^; > > >