Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Sat, 4 Sep 1999 23:02:11 -0500
X-Sender: Message-ID: <l03130304b3f76ae41e11@[]> Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 23:02:11 -0500 From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Re: Compromise of StandardsTerrence, your motives appear to be honorable. However, trying to hold other people to one's own standards is futile. There's no accounting for tastes. Some people can be happy with a product that you think is merely mediocre, or even crap, but what's wrong with that? It just means that they're happy and you're not. Let's suppose ST 3 does indeed come to the US, but the dialogue is unpolished and awkward. Should I deprive myself of a good, but not great game, just because it could have been better? What game couldn't have been made better? If a person shouldn't endorse a game that could have been better, why shouldn't I destroy my copy of Sakura Taisen 2 because I didn't like the loading times? Or destroy my copy of Steam Radio Show because I thought most of the minigames were lame? Or destroy my copy of Magic Knight Rayearth because it was buggy, because it didn't follow the anime or the manga, and because of the slowdown? Why not? Because despite having flaws, those things still have redeeming values. Even if the Sailor Moon SuperS game stinks as a game, it still has a redeeming value: it's Sailor Moon. People don't buy it because they want to play a good game, they buy it because it's Sailor Moon merchandise. I didn't buy the Shinguuji Sakura Real Model because it was a shining example of a well-crafted PVC model, I bought it because it was Sakura Taisen, and that outweighed all the negatives I saw. Similarly, I wouldn't destroy any of the games I mentioned above because in my eyes, their good points outweigh their faults and make them worth having, _even though they may be imperfect._ Can it really be so unacceptable and unforgiveable to you that other people weigh an object's positives and negatives differently than you do? That for some people, playing the game in English with an imperfect translation is preferable to playing the game in Japanese? What exactly do you want to see in a US release of ST 3, Terrence? What would make you happy? What shortcomings would you forgive? Which faults would make it so bad that in your opinion, anybody who bought it would be hurting Sakura Taisen? Maybe your hopes aren't so different from other people's after all.