The Shiva Laser, Strongest Laser ever made (tkcheng@HOME.COM)
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 05:06:59 -0500
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (Win98; I) Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 05:06:59 -0500 From: "The Shiva Laser, Strongest Laser ever made" <tkcheng@HOME.COM> Subject: Re: Compromise of StandardsJoshua Kaufman wrote: > At 12:40 PM 9/4/99 -0700, you wrote: > >
> > ARGH! I hate the fact that I suck at expressing what I really mean. Ok, let > me put it this way. I hate bad voice acting. I hate it when companis take > perfectly valid things out of games. I hate it when things are changed > because they feel like it (this doesn;t refer to WD, because I don;t > believe that WD does this). BUT, I have to make a choice between > understanding the game and dealing with theese, or getting the original but > not understanding it (and possibly not even being able to fully play it). > But this is all after the fact. The third choice is not to play it at all, > which IMO is pointless because one person boycotting a game *won't* make a > difference, and I'd miss out on a game I have an interetst in playing. The > only thing I can do is complain. Companies will do what they want, and lack > of sales won;t convince them thier process is wrong -- ARGH! I CAN'T CONVEY > WHAT I MEAN HERE!!! DAMMT! > > -Joshua I hate it when that happens. The English language fails me on so many levels. Those companies don't care about people like us, seriously. Terrence said the people who want to hear English are 99% of the population. Guess what, that is the biggest no-brainer marketing demographic. Remember the guy who said he wouldn't play Panzer Dragoon Saga because it wasn't in English? While I mock his value system and think that he missed a great game because he was unwilling to read subtitles, he is a more significant driving force than people like us. We are the biggest otaku of them all. I have a Sakura mug for crying out loud. Big companies make fun of people like me, and know there aren't enough of me to pack a financial punch. Victor Ireland doesn't care about people like me, he mocks me, knowing that 1: internet whining is naught but chaff and 2: not enough people agree with me enough to not buy his stuff. Yet he still got my money. I guess I'm the fool who is soon parted with his money. I also have no plans of going on some crusade to educate subbies or spread Japanese. This isn't suffrage or something. I had a huge post (which was rejected) about haves and have-nots, and called Terrence a "have." It seems it all boils down to the haves and have-nots. I bet on some other parallel mailing list some guys are having this exact same conversation. Just replace "Sakura Taisen" with "The Matrix" and replace "in English" with "on VHS." I admit it, I'm a DVD have, and I think to watch The Matrix on VHS in stereo on some RF-only setup is a waste, and LOWERING OF STANDARDS. But I know I cannot accurately think like a not-have. I can't imagine how I would feel on this issue if I was poor, typing this message on a 386, and had an old top-loading VCR from the 80s. Would I want to see the movie at all, or would I think, "Hm, I'm poor, and I don't have a DVD player, so I don't deserve to see this movie. But maybe I should get one, just to see it, even though it would be a huge chunk of time to save up enough money." Can the haves really understand the not-haves, and vice-versa? Think about it, and think how bias affects your decision. -- Tom Cheng, #1 Celes and Galaxia fan "I understand your opinion, ----------- NOW PLAYING ----------- I just don't care." Outer Senshi Doom | Galaxia-sama Project SING: Saturn Is Not Goth -Jedah Soul Calibur Ivy and Mitsurugi FAQs Tekken 2 combos and multipart FAQs The only Celes Chere's home