Yasuyuki Sato (mikage@duellists.tj):
Creator, owner, designer, main author, and administrator of the
website (and the Utena Mailing List, too)
I was born, raised, educated, and "otakunized" in Japan. I came
to America in 1994. Since then I've been quite assimilated into
the American "otakudom." I've been a big fan of the anime director
Kunihiko Ikuhara for his fabulous
direction, and thus, I've been a big fan of Shoujo Kakumei Utena
since even before the first episode was broadcast.
Carmen Spray (utena@duellists.tj):
Site editing- poll results and author of synopsis for episodes
I've been a fan of many anime series in the past 14 years since
I became a fan of the artform. But Shoujo Kakumei Utena has
really transformed my life in a way no other series has. Utena
is a myth for our times, and one whose timing could not be any
more urgent than right now, in this world where it seems half of
our reality is made of illusions and magic projections. By
helping with the Utena Encyclopedia, I want to give something
back in a little way, and help new fans of the series as well.
You could say, it's a little attempt to become a Prince...
(Website: The Ends of
the Web- Ten'jou Utena's Page)
I'm the owner and administrator of Maison Otaku Networks
(maison-otaku.net), a collection of anime-centric Internet resources, as
well as being a big Utena fan. (I was forceably introduced to the series
by Carmen and a few others.) I'm also the author of Listar, the mailing
list software that the Utena ML runs - if something's broken, or if
there's functionality (code-wise) you wish the website or ML had, I'm the
person to talk to. :)