
Copyright © Heaven Project, Bandai Visual, Studio Piero, TV Tokyo


by Eric "Scanner" Luce
Anime covers a very wide selection of genres, from very serious "doom and
gloom" anime complete with end of the world plots (even if some of them have
very amusing character designs.) to relationship stories filled with
angst (although we almost always know who is supposed to end up with
whom.) to the silly and cute anime.
This last genre covers a wide range in itself. Usually these stories
are based upon some other plot such as a relationship(s) or an end
of the world scenario. Frequently they just throw in odd, silly and
cute elements to make the story appealing to one demographic or
another. As such they tend to have little to hold one's interest
outside of that demographic. But every now and then there is something a bit
more special or different that deserves note. TENSHI NI NARU MON!
("I'LL BECOME AN ANGEL!") is one such show.
Within seconds of the beginning of the opening song, the show is immediately
recognizable as cute and silly. From the rubber cheeks to the happily
bouncing and swaying house you feel that you know what the level of
the series will be. Many who cannot stand super-cute anime
will probably turn it off right then. Others may be curious to see how
far the series can go. And by the end of the first episode many viewers are
probably still wondering about that.
The basic premise of the series revolves around our Yuusuke. His father is
off on an extended business trip and apparently has no mother (did this ever happen to
anyone you know in high school?) So he is living alone in a house. On
his way to school he comes across a girl laying naked, except for a
halo. No, we see nothing but her face. Through events he accidentally
falls on her, kissing her. She wakes up, happily smiles at him, and
proclaims him her husband ("muko-san," which is usually the word used
when the male marries into a family.) Being totally flustered at her
state and her assertion, Yuusuke quickly hops on his bike and flees to
However his flight proves useless as Noelle (the girl with the halo)
is now a new transfer student in his class. She immediately recognizes
Yuusuke and calls out his name. When he attempts to sneak back home
after school, she follows him. When he tells her to stop following
him, she calmly agrees and walks away. However when Yuusuke arrives
at where his house should be he almost passes it because it is now
replaced by a multilevel brightly colored monstrosity. Complete with
the cute anime Munsters equivalent moving in. Out of this bursts
Noelle. She and Yuusuke are going to live together. Here we get to
meet the family - the Frankenstein father, the beautiful-witch mother,
the vampire Gabriel older brother, the mecha-freak dark-elf younger
sister Ruka, the coy and shy invisible elder sister Sara, and the
inimitable grandmother who knows this human (Yuusuke) means doom.
If this family were all there was to the story it could get tiring
very quickly. However into this mix we throw the mystery of the three
eggs, the twisted Despair who wants Noelle to be his angel, Suzuhara
Natsume, the girl Yuusuke has a painful crush on, and the mysterious
Michael with his book of dreams that more gets written in it at the end
of each episode. Oh, and just wait until they start telling
Sara-neechan's part of the story.
It entertains. It amuses. It makes you wonder just how zany the
next episode will be. Where is it going? For about 25 minutes
everything is okay.
The series is also amazingly well animated. The motion is fluid and
smooth. The backgrounds while simple are vivid and generally well
placed. A lot of effort was put into this series and it is evident. The
background music, while not everyone's cup of tea, suits the show
well. It is bouncy and catchy and if you are not careful you may find
yourself humming it later that day.
This TV anime is recommended if you are able to tolerate (or enjoy) cute and
silly shows. If you are not into the zany and weird then you best steer
On the air in Japan now - Television Tokyo, Wednesday
from 6pm to 6:30pm (episode 14 aired on 1999.07.07)
Video release:
Volume 1 7/25/99, 2 episodes
Volume 2 9/99, 3 episodes
Remaining volumes once per month
DVD: BCBA-0203 (Dolby digital - stereo)
LD: BELL-1413 (stereo)
VHS: BES-2357 (stereo)
¥5800 (volume 1) ¥6000 (remaining volumes)
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