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a home page for strange and eclectic anime


There's something extremely disturbing about this...

Now, let's begin! Pick your destination, and try not to get lost!

First, a little about me...

A little bit of my thoughts on various things...

My favorite anime

My random anime-related thoughts. This can get weird.

My Daily Life

If you want to see what goes on in my head on an average day, take a look!

The Field of Dreams

The lovely home of all of my anime pages. This also contains links to my image galleries, and some other stuff!

Tsubasa's Free Talk Forum!

Go here and talk about anything you like!

Clubs and Stuff I'm In

Please give your support!

Links to the Web

If you want to get out of here really badly, these are good places to run to!

Link Me!

If you want to link me, go here!


Records of this ever-changing world.

Any comments? Just want to talk? Mail me at Tsubasa_Ozora@rocketmail.com Before you do, please check this out, okay? DO IT! (laughs) If you have a Post Pet, please send your pet and greeting to tsubasao@geocities.com! But not now...my trial version has expired...

This page is under severe construction! Last updated 6/1/99. Above image copyrighted by its creator, and you should know who that is by now. Ha! Hey, I'm on ICQ now! You know you want to talk to me...(laughs) Just look for Tsubasa Ozora! I'm there! Oh, and my number is 4417644. Lots of fours.
people have visited this page since the counter was set. Reset. It was at over 2000 before it got reset, on 11/12/97. And now this counter is possessed by the Devil. Heh. When was this counter first set...? 6/8/97....I think.

10,000 hits!

This picture is courtesy of Sherry! Arigatou!

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Tsu chan!  My birdie!

Meet Tsu chan, my brand new little birdie! Isn't he cute? Don't you want one of your very own? I got him at the Cute Cute Pet Shop!

Cute Cute Pet Shop: Adopt apet today!

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