Psychic Force Links

I don't have a full-fledged Psychic Force page...yet.  But here are some links. English pages are scarce...Japanese pages are abundant.  I want to list them all, but there are just too many, so....

The Psychic Force Shrine

The most in-depth English page I've found so far.  It even has OVA information!  

Psychiker's Sanctuary

A very good site, with game information and a preview of Psychic Force 2012.  The webmaster says such mean things about Wendy and Patty that I laugh every time I come here. ^_^; Ah...well...

Daijishin's Home Page

A pretty miscellaneous page, but with nice screen captures from Psychic Force Puzzle Taisen.  I'm getting that game, you know.  Just in case you care.

Japanese Pages(there are a ton...)

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This page has doujinshi, artwork, and a lot of other fun stuff. Psychic Force 2012 main.  ^_^ And a Keith shrine?

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Ah, this page has given me many hours of fun. ^_^  Yaoi alert! Ummm...this has doujinshi(not just Psychic Force, either), stuff on the Psychic Force 2012 radio drama, and a lot of other stuff that made me laugh.  It's SetsunaXEmilio main, but also contains a tiny little comic charmingly titled "Brad and Homo Brad".   Be afraid...

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My sister would beat me if I didn't include this link. (grins)  Yaoi alert! It's rather mild, though.  Contains too-cute pictures of Wong and Brad frolicking.  Yes, frolicking.  Don't you think they make a lovely couple?   I don't, but it's a cute page.

One of my favorite pages.  It has doujinshi, artwork, fan fiction, and more.   Rather WendyXEmilio, I think.  Perfectly harmless, with the exception of some gratuitous Wendy. Ick.'s a Keith page.  Obviously.  Go here if you like Keith. 

I couldn't resist.  It's the floppy Emilio page! (laughs) Go here for some rather charming artwork... 


Uwaaaa, this page is just too precious.  Go to the image section and see Burn and Keith as babies, Brad walking his pet rock, Brad shooting up...0_o ...odd sense of humor, but priceless!

Basically, this page is nothing but Emilio(especially 2012 era).  As you can imagine, I'm a frequent visitor...


This page contains Brad.  A whole lot of Brad.  Plus this Psychic Force quote generator-type thing that I spent hours playing with.  One of these days, I'll make one...



Uwaaa...such pretty artwork!  In addition to Psychic Force, there is also some Final Fantasy Tactics, Next King, and other stuff.  It's mostly Emilio...  As you can imagine, I'm a frequent visitor.


I would put up some more links, but I'm feeling rather sick right now, so I'll stop.   I'm still looking for the Keith Funclub link...

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