Captain Tsubasa Links

There aren't very many Captain Tsubasa sites on the Web, but here are my favorites.

Captain Tsubasa Picture Gallery

This page is great for Captain Tsubasa pictures...really terrific. The only problem is that it is very slow. Oh, well...can't have everything...Now with a new link!

Salty Fish's Captain Tsubasa Page

A Chinese page with many, many Captain Tsubasa pictures. Also the home of a very cute movie.


I must thank DuoGW again for this link. It has an emulator for one of the Captain Tsubasa Nintendo games!

The Non-Heroes Cathedral

Kyaaa! Ken sama! (laughs) This page has a shrine to Wakashimazu, and Hyuga, and Schneider...

The Tsubasa-Majid Web Site

A tribute to Captain Tsubasa in its Arabic incarnation. This site has images and even some video games!

The Goal

My very own sister's page. It is currently very, very barren. I probably will wind up maintaining it for her...jerk...

Los Supercampeones

A cool Spanish page with character information and an image gallery.


A Spanish page with a translated game! Cool!

Sherry, your page is so nice. I'm jealous. Cool fan art...more cool fan art...

CorrosionNet-The MallardLodge

Good character descriptions.

Japanese Pages

Kimie's Home Page

Thanks go to Katherine for providing me with the link to this site, which has some scans of Captain Tsubasa doujinshi. Hyuga kun sure is popular...I guess this one needs a yaoi warning, but a very mild one at that. Very mild.

Captain Tsubasa Character Ranking

A Japanese Captain Tsubasa character poll. When I last checked, Wakabayashi was in first place. It changes frequently....

Captain Tsubasa Best of Combi

A poll of the best pairs in Captain Tsubasa. Kewl. It was Hyuga and Wakashimazu in first place when I checked last....

A fan art circle page with a lot of Wakashimazu. As you can see, I am very pleased. Very.

Another doujinshi circle page! This one has Hyuga, Wakashimazu, Wakashimazu as a girl, Wakashimazu as a dog...well, it's all good stuff. Really, it is!

A very funky little site with some cool fan art. I see a lot of Sorimachi kun. I see Michiru Sano! (is it Michiru or Mitsuru...?)I see...Wakashimazu? Who would've thought....^_^ I love that guy.

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