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Submit Your X Fanarts -- Rabi's X Page

Submit your X fanart! But that doesn't guarantee a timely update... GOMENASAI.  I have been slacking off on this...  I AM REALLY SORRY!  You can still submit, but please be patient.  I probably won't be putting them up soon.

What types of fan-art are accepted?

Individual characters, group pictures of 7 DoH/7 DoE, pairs of characters, buildings, anything else you can think of... in that order.

What should you do if you would like to submit?

  1. Email me at rabi@mindless.com with the Subject: Submit your X fan-art!!
    Clearly state your name (or nickname if you prefer so), email, the theme/title of your art (if any), and a brief description of the picture/scene so that I know what I'm expecting to receive. If you already have your picture on a web page, give me the URL. And if this is the case, jump to step (5). If no, read on...
  2. Wait for my confirmation. This is very important. Do NOT email your drawing to me until you get my confirmation.
  3. While doing so, scan in your drawing to a reasonable size. Make sure the lines are clear and colors are distinguishable. This is very important: Please keep the file size to less than 300K if possible. Use jpg (high quality if using Adobe Photoshop) or gif format, NOT tif or bmp.
  4. If you don't have access to a scanner, lemme know in your email. I will give you my snailmail address in my reply. However, it won't appear on the page until I get my hands on a scanner. Works will usually NOT be returned. So please use a photocopy if possible (a nice one please ^_^). If you must have your works returned, please state so, and use enough mailer for it so that it's not ruined during the mailing process.
  5. After I get your drawing, I have the right to resize it or enhance it so as to fit it on my X page. I use Adobe Photoshop 4.0. I usually resize it to a height of around 550 pixels or a width of around 800 pixels, if the original picture is larger. I usually keep it at 72-100 pixels/inch. I also try to darken it a little (or sometimes lighten it depending on the drawing) or put a mask over it. Then I usually save it with medium quality jpg since the artworks are usually big and this much compression won't do too much harm to the quality anyway. This should limit the file to something less than 70 KB for B&W, 100KB for color.
  6. Sit back and relax. You'll see your drawing on my X page in the next monthly update (whenever that might be...).