** MiNtNa BoKuRa PaGe **

Please Read This First
( February 10, 2000 '99 )
hi ya there ^^ how are you doing? wow, it has been awhile.. =) i barely update mint pagey.. kyaaaa... sorry for that v__V and now Mint na Bokura is truely END! noo... so sad... anyway.. i'll still keep my pagey updated, may be more images, or some story guide, better characters pagey will be up later ^^

okay, here come my update ^^,
  • summery for February issue is up ^^
  • i added 11 more images ^^
  • gift-away project result!
  • plus my little fan-art *yay*

  • LeT's JoiN

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    -- since December 25, 1998 --
    MeRrY X-MaS '98