MiNtNa BoKuRa PaGe

hi, it is just.. about something i want to tell you guyz/galz ^.^

First of all, i wanna tell you about reasons i made this page
  • To make Mintna Bokura more popular.
  • To kill my own free time ^.^
  • To make more friend with similarity in interests.
  • To fulfill my desire to be called webpage's owner.
  • To improve my own creativity and skills in graphic.
  • To challenge myself how good i could be.

    So that doesn't mean i'm doing my page for commercial or compete with others. All i want is to let people know more about this cute story i like. I never mean to against anyone. I just create the page i want to see on net.

    About the images the are on my page i don't have a right to say "IT'S MINE" b-coz the right itself belong to the creator of this story, Yoshizumi Wataru. I never mean to disrepect her. So if you want to take the picture, go on. i can do absolutely nothing to prevent you from. Or put up lousy Javascript that don't allow right click, but i get frustrated with that myself.. so please don't use it for goods that might coz problems. But if you want to use it on your page, for our sake, please give a little credit to me, or at least link to my page b-coz... ahh.. i want you to ^.^ please reward me a little for my effort in making this page.. is that hard? No, i don't think it is.

    Some images i got from others. But i'm sure i did give credit to them, at least, on my Link Page. i don't see i can't put it on to b-coz if they put that on-line.. that's mean it is public known. and they didn't draw the pic themself. it is not their Copy Right. But if it is against.. i can take out the images if they really mind about it.

    Also, for my download page. i've made the winamp's skin myself. and also wall papers. If you want to use it on your page, please let me know about it b-4 you do.. or just link to my page. that'z all i askin' for ^.^ i've spend lotz of time makin' them. nah.. please please.

    Lastly i would like to thank you a lot for wasting your time reading what i want to tell you ^.^

    So.. this is my little unworthy gift for you as my Thanks word ^.^ you may put it on your page as your decorating thing.. or keep it to see.. hehehe.. only if you want.

    Ps: you may link to this page too, if you want ^.^

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