Now, on to my final character section: the Demons! There are many different demons that make appearances. However, a lot of them only appear very briefly, including some of the seven Satans. Because of this I will _not_ be listing those characters here. If and when they become more involved with the storyline I will put them in. The Mad Hatter mini-gallery is up...go to her bio to get there. Once again, just a reminder......there are SPOILERS for the manga in the following descriptions.

pic of lucifer Lucifer: was once known as the angel Lucifel, however, once he "fell" from heaven his name was changed to "Lucifer." (Only angels can have the "el" at the end of their names). He is the twin older brother of Michael. He rebelled against heaven long ago and many angels followed him into hell. Now he is King of Hell. His body became "one" with the land in hell, so that if anything happens to him it happens to the land as well. For some odd reason his body has become really huge and in order to prevent him from getting any bigger they have to sacrifice a "bride" to him (Kurai was supposed to be a "bride," but Arakune sacrificed himself instead). Lucifer's body has become an empty shell. Long ago his soul was taken away by some unknown force and the soul's whereabouts were unknown. There is much more to say about Lucifer, but then there would be no room to talk about everyone else! I'd much rather dedicate a whole different section to him. If you want to know more Lucifer stuff, please go here.

pic of belial
Mad Hatter/Belial: she is one of the seven Satans. When she was in heaven she was the angel "Belial". Now the only one allowed to call her by that name is Lucifer. As Belial she pumped herself full of drugs so that her body wouldn't develop into a normal female body. This is because she believes that gender is irrelevent. She is the one who shocks Raphael and makes him lose his belief in the "innocence" and "purity" of angels. Belial is in love with Lucifer because he is the one man who does not want her. MH is also the one who tries to get Kurai to become a "bride" of Lucifer. You can find some images of her HERE.

pic of  asmodeus
Asmodeus: He is one of the seven Satans and is in love with Belial. Asmodeus' true form has three human and two animal heads. He is pretty much the playboy of hell....he like to use women as objects just as much as Raphael.

pic of astaroth/astarot Astaroth: one of the seven Satans. "Astaroth" actually has two souls in one body. Astarote is the female and Astarot (not too sure of the spelling here) is the older brother. This happened because of a failed project to create another being like Adam Kadamon. Lucifer helps "seperate" them. When one is in the main body of Astaroth, the other's mind goes into the body of a snake. When Astarote is the snake, she is white, while her brother becomes the black snake. When one occupies main body the gender switches accordingly. Astarote is in love with her brother and eats children so she can fill her stomach and make herself feel pregnant with his "child". She tries to turn Kurai into her "baby", but is killed. With her last remaining strength she turns herself into her snake body and dies. By doing this she hands over the main body to her brother so he can live on normally without having to change into a snake.

pic of  barbero
Barbelo: Another one of the seven satans. She represents wrath. Barbelo used to be a shy angel in heaven that went by the name of 'Baru'. She was a friend of Michael and was in love with his older brother Lucifel. When the war in heaven broke out she threw herself in the path of Michael's flame sword which was about to strike Lucifel (lucifer). Unknown to Mika-chan Lucifer took Baru with him to hell and she then became Barbelo one of the seven satans. She is still very dedicated to him and dies trying to stop Setsuna from entering the gate to Atziluth. Mika sympathizes with her because they are both always trying to get recognition from his brother.

pic of nydd hogg
Nydd Hogg: Not too sure on the spelling of this name:) Well he's not a demon, but I put him here anyway. He was an angel who loved Laila. However, he was accused by Laila for attacking her and had his wings cut off. This turned him into a ghoul and he now resides in Hades. When Nydd Hogg meets Setsuna he gives him this object that emits the beautiful voice of Laila (this is later put into Setsuna's earring). He asks Setsuna to find Laila and tell her that he does not blame her. Before Laila's suicide his spirit appears to her and tells her that he loves her.

pic of noise Noise: one of two twin vampires loyal to Kurai. She is the older sister. Belial marks her with the sign of Lucifer, which puts her under Belial's control. One of Belial's demons posseses her body for a time and tries to incite the people of Gehenna against Sestuna(who at the time is in Alexiel's body.) She is filled with grief when her brother Voice is killed and vows revenge against his killer (who happens to be Arakune). When she goes to Sheol with Setsuna to find Kurai she confronts Arakune and delivers a deadly blow.

pic of Voice Voice: the younger brother of Noise who is in love with Kurai. He's very jealous of Setsuna:)It is him who accidently pulls out Nanatsusaya from Setsuna's body which kills Setsuna. (However, Setsuna's spirit was in Hades at the time and he then goes into Alexiel's body until his old body is revived) Arakune kills him when he finds the shrine of Lucifer.

Now you know about all the main characters of AS. However, there are some details that I don't go into that you might want to check out. If you want to know more about minor characters or want to know how the Angel Hierarchy works then I suggest you visit my links section to check out some great AS sites!
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