The Yaoi Files
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The following is a form to help you gather the information needed to perform a thorough investigation into a series. All of the following questions are vital and need to be answered. For the debriefing site, please list them in order of your first choice, then second, then third. All sites must be accompanied by an email address so we may contact their creator. In some cases, there may be only one site on the web for a series or none at all. Just do your best to find as many as you can. We will contact the site for you once you have submitted the case to us. Please note that doujinshi based on existing series will not be considered as official evidence for that series (You may still investigate them however, as we will be adding a special Doujinshi division in the future. Just be sure to note that it's a doujinshi under the "Publisher" section). Investigations are on a first come-first serve basis. The Agent who turns in the information first gets the credit. The case will not be added to the Yaoi Files until the chosen debriefing site has been contacted and permission has been granted. We also reserve the right to edit your summaries. (For grammatical errors, etc...)
We look forward to your contribution!

Your Email Address:
Series Name:
Division (Action, CLAMP, Sci-Fi, Drama, Supernatural Affairs, US Manga, Miscellany):
Series Creators:
Publisher or Production Studio:
Series Summary:
Formats (OAV, TV Series, Movie, Manga, etc. Is it still running?):
Conclusions (Activity confirmed, or no?):
Debriefing Website #1:
Email Address:
Debriefing Website #2:
Email Address:
Debriefing Website #3:
Email Address:
Image Available? (Let us know whether you have an image you'd like to submit, or if we should request one from the debriefing site):
Miscellaneous (such as special facts or ISBN numbers):

All characters and images are copyright to their respective creators.

This Document is the Property of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation, ©2000.
(except the Asst. Director, Watan Okoge, who can be reached via email at