The Yaoi Files
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Hello Agents! Welcome to the Headquarters of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation.
Our purpose here is a simple one:
We will investigate various anime and manga series to determine whether
shounenai or yaoi activity is present within them.

I Want to Believe

Thank you for coming to our site!  Might I recommend the following areas:
Updates -for all the latest on our page
Personnel Division -keep track of who's who in the SBI
The Bureau: The SBI Original Online Manga - by our resident artist Higashiko

If you are not familiar with the boys' love genre of anime and manga, then please visit the following site for information and merchandise on the subject: Aestheticism

However, here is a simple glossary you can refer to:
Shounenai: boys' love, usually romantic storylines, concentrating more on emotional rather than physical relationships (shounen=boy+ ai=love)
Yaoi: shounenai with a kick. deals more with physical stuff. can range from simple kissing to hardcore sex (Y.A.O.I. = an acronym for the Japanese phrase "Yama nashi, imi nashi, ochi nashi" / "Without climax, without meaning, without resolution") or (Y.A.O.I. = alternative acronym for "Yamete! Oshiri ga itai!" / "Stop! My ass hurts!")
Bishounen: pretty boy (bi=beautiful + shounen=boy)
Bi-faux-nen: an SBI term for girls who appear to be pretty boys, some just look that way and others are purposely masquerading as males
Doujinshi: self-published or non-mainstream published mangas, some have original characters whilst others are based on preexisting series. Many doujinshi are created by a group of artists.
Chi-bishounen: an SBI term for those precious bishounen who happen to be somewhere in the range of 10 to 13 years old. (Chibi = little kid or small + Bishounen = pretty boy) Examples: the Clamp Campus Detectives, Riiya-kun from Akazukin Cha Cha, Peruru from Sailor Moon SuperS, etc.
Pre-bishounen (Prebi's for short): the rare case of bishounen 9 years old or younger...these are so rare that I can't even think of any examples right now! (Pre = premature + Bishounen = pretty boy)
Tenshi Ai: a fairly new term of unknown origin; variant of shounenai where the leads are mostly androgynous angels (Tenshi = angel + Ai = love) Examples: CLAMP's "Wish," "Angel Sanctuary" by Yuki Kaori
Yuri: girl's love (lesbian) anime and manga

Most images on this site are free for your use (after all, we didn't draw them). However, many of our images are originals by our resident artist, Higashiko; they are marked with the cute winged ghost-bunny shown above. Please email us for permission if you would like to use these images.

I hope you find the information we have here in the bureau helpful to you.
And I expect to hear good reports about you from Agent Tarou.

--Watan Okoge
Assistant Director, Shounenai Bureau of Investigation

This Document is the Property of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation, ©2000.
(except the Asst. Director, Watan Okoge, who can be reached via email at