The Yaoi Files
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Sure, he looks familiar, but he just has one of those type of faces . . .

Name: Higashiko
Position: Resident Artist
Inspiring Mangaka: Tachibana Kaimu and CLAMP
Inspiring Non-Manga Artist: Brian Froud, J. W. Waterhouse
Inspiring Music: the Shakuhachi (Japanese Flute) and "X" soundtrack
Misc: Years ago, my dog attacked a small brown and white rabbit. Running frantically, I scooped up the bunny and carried him inside. He had wounds in his stomach and screamed in pain. Cradling the bunny in a towel, I climbed into my car and headed for the nearest veterinary hospital. Never once did the rabbit try to kick me or run. He seemed very calm and nestled himself in my arms as I gently stroked his face. Just as we arrived at the clinic, I looked down at my dog's victim. He turned his head, staring into my gaze. He was afraid, but not of me. He snuggled close, then went still. I attended my classes that afternoon, and told my classmates of the sad events. It was later suggested, by whom I forget, that perhaps the bakeusagi (ghost bunny) would stay with me, as a way of repaying me for making his last few moments of life peaceful and safe. So there is the story of the bunny you see on this site's various images. He is my companion and helps out as best he can. He is a bunny, after all.

click the bakeusagi to send a message to Higashiko.

All the images on this page are under protection of the bunny, and copyright to Higashiko.


My Studio
I thought I would invite you into my makeshift studio.  Irrashaimassei!
The rest of my room (not shown in the picture) houses a radio, computer, numerous bookshelves,  anime posters as far as the  eye can strain and anime production cels. It occured to me that you might perhaps be interested in seeing both it and   some of the supplies I use when I create my fanart.  You see, I recently got an interesting shock:  most cel fanartists do the black outlines with a marker/permanent ink pen!  Argh!  I have been using the old technique of dipping the pen nib in the inkwell (a long and arduous process...).  Not that I'm going to change my old ways, mind you.  I just wanted to share. *I also discovered that you can do a clean ink version of the cel design and have Kinko's put it on a transparency film (acetate) and then colour it in with paint from there.*

studio.jpg (74096 bytes)
click for full image (73k)


earring.jpg (1550 bytes) The Bureau
SBI Adventures Online Doujinshi

This is my first crack at doing a real doujinshi. There are several more issues planned for this series. Hope you enjoy our wacky escapades!
The Bureau Part One - We Want You As A New Recruit
NEW! The Bureau Part TWO - Deito Supotto?!

Fan Art

click this button to visit a little essay on fanart:

Ryoko Cel
click for full image (108k)

Ryoko Cel
acrylics and india ink on cel, acrylic, airbrush, & coloured pencil background (14 x 17 inches)
Here is a custom cel order I just finished. I was given the task of putting Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo in a Sakura setting. I chose to design my own costume for her as well as give her a more feminine pose than what you might usually see her in. This background drove me insane and took three times as long to complete as the cel itself! Argh!
acrylics on cel, india ink "whispers" for background (14 in. X 17 in.)

Here he is! My most beloved character from Gundam Wing. Months before I even saw the fansubs, I began collecting stuff from this series. So, since it has become so popular in America now, I decided it was about time for me to draw Duo. This cel posed three challenges: the size (rather large, ne?), the shirt (I'd never done a translucent effect on a cel before), and the background (it has my whispers, but they are different than normal...). All in all, I like this one.

You WILL fantasize about this . . .
click for full image (76k)

sakurasm.jpg (6701 bytes)
click for full image (40k)

Card Captor Sakura 1 (Sakura-chan)
acrylics on cel, airbrushed & coloured pencil background (8 1/2 x 11inch)

The design for this costume and pose actually came a couple months after I had created the drawing of Li-kun.  I was picking up takeout with Puutsuki from the local Thai place and commented on how much the Soy Sauce bottle looked like one of Tomoyo's dress designs.   So there you go. By the way, Kero-chan is saying, "Don't make a fool of me!"
Card Captor Sakura 2  (Li-kun)
acrylics on cel, airbrushed & coloured pencil background (8 1/2 x 11inch)

I had originally planned on using Yukito as the model for this outfit (which I was designing for Cosplay).  But it just seemed appropriate to put Li-kun in it...albeit unwittingly on his part.  :)  Kero-chan comments, "That is not right!" With luck, the Assistant Director will be sporting this outfit at some future anime con...

The background for these two cels was created as one piece and then thwacked in two.   To see both halves together, click here. (32k)

li-kunsm.jpg (8336 bytes)
click for full image (44k)

xtrasm.jpg (4211 bytes)
click for full image (83k)

acrylics on cel, spray & acrylic paint with coloured pencil background

This one came out pretty good.  The most important part was getting the
scythe to follow a particular shape.  When combined with the 'x' in the
background, the scythe and characters take on an hourglass scheme.  This cel
also presented a challenge in that I could not use colour.
Tasuki 1
acrylics on cel

This is, as I recall, the fifth cel I ever painted. The costume (especially the belt) is based on the manga version of Tasuki. The animated form is less intricate. Pencil Sketch (23k)

click for full image (26k)

You should have seen how this photo was taken . . .
click for full image (53k)

Tasuki 2
acrylics on glass (window pane)

This one took several hours to complete, due to size. However, I can't tale credit for the design. This is a Yuu Watase original sketch. I just added the paint. It, along with Mokona and Pikachu, graced the bedroom window of the Assistant Director's former apartment.
Tasuki 3
coloured pencil, india ink, acylics on bristol board

I did this "Hyper-realistic Tasuki" as a submission to the Animerica Extra fan art gallery. They've yet to print this one, but they did recognise one of my more recent works! (It was under a different name, though. I couldn't use my artistic psuedonym on that one...) Agent Caerbannog once remarked that this image of Tasuki is "nice...but disturbing!"

Is it live, or is it . . . Ah, never mind.
click for full image (56k)

Someone's at the door, chu . . .
click for full image (44k)

Planet 2 (Merle and Pikachu)
acrylics on cel, digital photo for background

This is the second cel in a series I am doing for my fave comic book store. I chose to put these two characters together when I learned that they shared the same seiyuu ( Ikue Ootani).
Planet 3 (Calvin and Hobbes)
acrylics on cel, coloured pencil & ink background

This one was inspired by one of the guys who works at the comic store. When asked to desribe the anime "Ushio & Tora," he said, "Okay. you know Calvin and Hobbes? It's like that, if Hobbes kept trying to eat Calvin."
So, Brian, this one is your fault!

Hamster Huey and the Gooey Corpse
click for full image (49k)

Gorgeous . . .
click for full image (69k)

Planet 4 (Larva -from Kyuuketsuki Miyu)
acrylics on blue cel, india ink & coloured pencil background

My most recent cel to date. I am rather fond of this one. The background is my signature style (called "whispers"). You'll notice those in quite a bit of my stuff. This cel was completed in three days (around 10 total).
Here's the pencil sketch of Larva.
MuppX (a parody)
india ink on bristol board

Don't ask me how this got started. I did a few doodles of "Kermui, Muppet of Heaven." This page is a direct parody of a page of the X comic (67k, English release) , by CLAMP. Here's a partial character guide, including some that were not drawn:
Kermui (Kermit + Kamui)
Himokey (Mokey + Hinoto)
Saru (Sal + Sorata)
Yuzuridawn (Yuzuriha + Prarie Dawn)
Fiiama (Johnny Fiama + Fuuma)
Miss Motori (Miss Mousie + Kotori)
Kano-oink (Miss Piggy + Kanoe)
I've thought about continuing this sick little doujinshi, but haven't made up my mind yet...
Hi, ho! I've returned to destroy Tokyo!
click for full image (75k)
Printhipal Thkinner, I need thome thooth. SBI 4-panel Comics
ink on card stock

Word ballons and gradient shading provided by Agent Puutsuki.
I Burnt My Lickitung!(45k)
The Number You Have Reached...(49k)
SBI Agent Portraits
acylics on cel

Out of all these, I suppose Seiji is my fave. He was one of the first to be designed. Ayanojo proved very difficult, in that the first version was horrible. The final cel is a different pose and expression all together.
Agent Hayami Seiji(59k)
Agent Morisato Keichi "The Pocky Eating Man"(29k)
Agent Sukiyabashi Kotobuki(80k)
Agent Kusanagi Mamoru(30k)
Agent Aburatsubo Ayanojo(29k)
Agent McGinnis Terry(22k)
Agent Kyuu Oda(14k)
Agent Tarou(54k)
Agent Arisugawa Sorata(25k)
Awww . . .

Original Characters

Wait 'til you see his human form!
click for full image (25k)

computer coloured sketch
Anuto is a rat spirit (and a side-kick of sorts) in an original manga series I am currently developing for a comics anthology being published by a small group. The series (untitled as of yet) follows the wanderings of a mysterious puppeteer who performs not only for humans, but for spirits as well. As I flesh out more of the characters and story, I will add more info and pics. Wish us luck!
Flame Dragons
coloured india inks and white paint on mat board (2ft x 3ft 2 in)

The picture for this is a bit fuzzy, so here is a detail on three of the
This is a very, very old piece (around six years, I think).  It took two weeks, an hour per day, to complete.  This was the first time I had ever done my 'whispers' technique (created by blowing air onto ink through a straw).  I was incredibly light-headed every time I left art class...
dragonssm.jpg (5170 bytes)
click for full image (61k)

Up yours, Shay!
click for full image (43k)

File 13
acrylics on blue cel, photo background

This is the third or fourth time I ever painted a cel. So as you can see, I was still getting the hang of things. On the left is Yamashita Katsuya, an artist and dedicated high school student. On the right, Touma, an idol singer with a severe social phobia. The story for this one is written completely, but I am still perfecting the design end. These are early versions of the lead boys. Touma hasn't changed much, but Katsuya is very different now. Eventually I will post more illustration from this series.
india ink and coloured pencil on bristol board

Here is a realistic portrait of the idol singer. In the story, it is painted by Katsuya as a gift after he sees the scar Touma bears on his back (a reminder of his attempted murder). See? More of those "whispers" I was talking about....

click for full image (42k)

Pisces Zodiac Series: Pisces
india ink and coloured pencil on bristol board

The first in this series. For the full version, please visit the Rear Attack Yaoi Gallery.
Zodiac Series: Virgo
india ink and coloured pencil on bristol board

The second piece. For the full version, please visit the Rear Attack Yaoi Gallery.


Whilst I was working on a cel design the other night, my little bakeusagi flew up and began tapping me on the noggin rather viciously.
"What is it?" I asked.
He turned my head towards the stacks upon stacks of works in progress lying around my makeshift studio.
"You haven't finished any artwork for the May 1st update of the Yaoi Files," he whined.
"Yes, I know."
"But your fans will be so disappointed!"
"I don't have any fans," I replied.
"What about the Assistant Director?! After all she's done for you! Imagine how heart-broken she'll be when....."
"Fine. You can take her my sketchbook."
"Wai! Wai! I just knew you'd come through!" He gripped the book between his little paws and fluttered off, humming something from "Tonari no Totoro."
Silly ghost rabbits...

My Scribblings

Gargoyle Boy (17k)
An odd sort of girl . . . (17k)
Lynx (9k)
Nekomusume (with wings) (7k)
Shijin (a bishounen) (17k)

When one little bunny sticks his dinky in another little bunny's ear, that makes me a sad bunny . . .

This The Doujinshi Artists Ring site owned by Higashiko.
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All characters and images are copyright to their respective creators.

This Document is the Property of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation, ©2000.
(except the Asst. Director, Watan Okoge, who can be reached via email at