• E-Mail: syzygy@mcs.com, oldcrow@access.mountain.net

  • Birthdate: August 5th, 1964

  • Hometown: "The Pepperoni Roll Capital of the World", Fairmont, WV

  • Education: BSEE, West Virginia University, 1987

  • Phys. Data: Ht. 5'7" Wt. 160lb Hair/eyes: brown

    Primary Interests: Electronic Music, particularly the design and construction of synthesizers; various electronic hardware design areas (digital, analog, power) and their laboratory and industrial applications [my day job]; video editing; reading and cinema; spaceflight history and hardware; cats; skiing; beer & ale brewing and of course the anime visual art form--writing for anime in particular.

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    Christopher S. Rider --- syzygy@mcs.com