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Lita's Home Page is on-line =)! 
Links page and this page were added.
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Info Page menu is ready. 
But it links aren't ready yet. The Portuguese version isn't working well 'cause Tripod doesn't accept files with accents (like história(story)). Then, I'll have to rewrite some of the html code and rename the images.
The Image Gallery is on-line! 
Only the video screenshots and the group Image were sent to Tripod.
I am studying a lot this year, because I need to be approved on an exam to enter the university, this exam is difficult specially in medicine and law schools, which has about 30 people for each vacancy! 
(now you understand why Ami studies so much '=)!)Note: In Japan they have fewer universities than  Brazil. Then, it's a lot more difficult to enter a good university!. 
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New main page, new page > 'Misc', where the fanarts and other stuff that doesn't fit on the other pages will be.
Few changes on links.
I'm on winter vacation! ^_^

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