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What To Do With Those Comments


Not *that* making love! :P

So what would happen if Iron Mouse got together with the Amazon Trio?  Read on to find out! ^_^

Tigers Eye

I really couldn't see Tigers Eye with Iron Mouse.  He's a teensy bit vain (^_~), and since Iron Mouse is too, they probably wouldn't get along well.  Also, just seeing the two of them together would look kinda weird.

Hawks Eye

I'm really unsure about these two (probably because I haven't seen a lot of H.E.), but I'll give 'em two hearts anyway.  Hawks Eye would probably find Iron Mouse's white hair attaractive. ^_~ Their personalities might be an interesting combination.

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Fish Eye

[Bias alert:] So what if he prefers men, they'd be so adorable together!   Just imagine the most kawaii male villain and most kawaii female villain together forever!  I'd give up all my anime to see the two of them together! [Note that if I didn't think F.E. was so cute, they'd probably get one heart. :( *huggles Fish Eye and hands him a Mamoru plushie*]

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