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~*English Midis*Japanese Midis*Miscellaneous Midis*Fun Stuff*~


Miscellaneous Midis

"Another Story" RPG Title Page Music (1)
"Another Story" RPG Stage 2 Music (1)
"Another Story" RPG Battle Music (1)
"Another Story" RPG  Boss Music (1)
Cantonese dub/Cantonese (1)(2)(3)
Chinese Theme (1)
German SM Opening (1)

German Opening '98 Season (1)
German SM Ending (1)
Italian SM Opening (1)

Mars' Gameboy BMG (1)
Moon Mix (1)
Sailor Moon  Mix (1)
Sailor Moon's Appearance from the Musical (1

Mystery Midis

Here are some midis that I've downloaded and through the renaming process got them mixed up, or had coded names from other pages and I don't know what they are. They are all definitely from Sailor Moon.  So here they are, If you know their proper titles please e-mail the file name and the correct title back to me so I can put them where they belong. Thank you.

someending.mid [this might be some ending *duh, Foxy*]
u&ndeath.mid [I thought it was the music played when Uranus and Neptune die, but I don't know the title of the piece if it has one]


FMSM © 2001     

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