The Rules

1. No series characters. The only series character appearing (and not very often) will be Sailor Pluto, played by me.
2. NO GODMOTING. Gotmoting is something like: "Sailor Pluto bonks Queen Tourmaline on the head with her Garnet Rod and *poof* Queen Tourmaline dies." If you attack someone, let them decide if they dodge or get hit, or both. Everyone is obligated to be realistic.
3. No forced actions. You cannot force someone else's character to do anything, under any circumstances, even if you *think* you know them well enough to predict how they will make their character react, or they are an NPC character, such as a guard. Let the person who fabricated the guard decide what the guard will do. The only exception to this rule is if the character's MUN asks you to control their character while they're away. But no funny business with that either. I will know wether the character's MUN is really away and asked for your help or not.
4. One character per person, and no more. I am the only exception to this rule, after all I run this RPG. Since Sailor Pluto will not be appearing often, if at all, and I do want to participate, I will play one, count'em one, additional character, Almekyah Hisakawa.
5. Participation is required. If you send someone an RP story and they do not respond within 5 days, you have the right to disqualify them from the RP, and tell me about it. It is acceptable to decline to participate in an RP story, but do this too often and you'll be asked to explain yourself. Here is where the "three strikes and you're out" rule applies. If I hear three complaints about the same person not participating, I'll send them a warning. If I do not recieve a response with a good reason for non-participation (ie, network trouble), that person will be kicked from the RPG.
6. Keep it rated PG. Character relationships are allowed, but I don't want to read anything that would make me feel the need to avert my eyes and blush in shame.
7. When replying to an RP, remove the little ">" thingies that sometimes come up. They're really annoying.
8. All RP-ing will be in the past tense. That makes it easier for you to continue the story line, and easier for me to edit when I post a completed story up on the page.
9. No rules shall tolerate being violated. If you suspect someone of violating the rules, email me at and I will initiate and investigation.
10. I am judge, jury, and executioner. Everyone will accept the sentences I pass upon rule violaters without complaint, or will themselves be judged.

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