Sailor Pluto smiles in welcome to you. "May I be the first to greet and welcome you to Crystal Millennium, a PBEM (play by email) Sailor Moon RPG."
"There is a world just around the corner of your mind, where reality is an intruder and dreams come true. You may escape into it at will. You need no secret password, no magic wand or Aladdin's lamp; only your own imagination and curiosity."

Promotions - Advertisements (which no one really wants to see, but need to be there) and Web Rings I''ve joined!
Links - Visit some great Sailor Moon sites!
The Crystal Millennium Award - Win my award!
Image Gallery - See some images that I've created!

I do custom graphics! I have tons of little Sailor Moon pictures. Well, okay, so I'm biased. What I really should say I that I have tons of Sailor Mercury graphics and a bunch of all the other scouts. But no problem there! If you have a picture that you want made into a button, say, like the Sailor Moon Share the Graphics Campaign button above or a "mail me" button, e~mail me and I'll make one for you absolutely free!

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