Karl Tourin, Project Orpheus Operations Head (NPC)
The ever looming shadow over Project Orpheus and anyone associated with it....
Mira Heckyll, Chief Science Officer (NPC)
The mother of the MIndscape web and Project Orpheus as a whole
Barbera "Babs" D'Sangelo, Tactical Coordinator (NPC)
The Soon-To-Be Combat Adivsor for Project Orpheus, and party animal merc....careful, she's QUITE contagious!
Axl Marchon (NPC)
Head of Security, Tourin's lackey to the end.....
Noa Kanamemi, Residential Counselor (NPC)
The slightly over-maternal cousnelor to Project Orpheus's youth
Burgandy Charles (created and played by Sarah Rose)
Seemingly unobtrusive lab intern and child of the laid back generation
Kyusaku Musashi (created and played by Otakusama)
Head Physician of the Project, and Secret Admirer of Ms. Kanamemi