Well, I've moved the Ranma 1/2-related pages into their own separate room now. I'm hoping this will make things a little more organized... we shall see, shan't we? But wait--these pages are even-gasp-*ALPHABETIZED*!! Oh my, I *have* gone crazy.COMRADE HIBIKI To the glory of the Defender of the Spirit of the Revolution!
Folger's Crystals 1/2 More Ryouga worship...you'd think there isn't enough already... naaah, ya just can't get enough!
Gertie 1/2 Would you believe I also wrote a fanfic? Given, it's the sick, twisted result of researching too much Gertrude Stein, but hey, at least it's short. Very much so.
Gone With the Black Rose Petals Kodachi the Black Rose and Scarlett O'Hara: kindred spirits? Somebody stop me before I hurt myself...
How to Make Your Own Ranma 1/2 Placemats Martha Stewart might even approve. Then again, maybe not.
Meet Riff Yamaha My own character invention.
My *Ranma 1/2 Role-Playing Game* Yes, this is a real, workable game! I wrote it last summer and play-tested it twice, in the fall and in the winter. Once again, I borrowed ideas and info from websites which I unfortunately do not have citation for. The math isn't perfect and the GM is a bit all-powerful as a result, but a splendid time is guaranteed for all.
R.A.N.C.O. This has found its way onto different link pages! Check it out!
Well, that's all for now. There may be more up later--keep checking back. I will put update info on the main page.
Is it Back to the Odd Curiosity Shop for you?
Agent <<H>> strikes again!