Welcome to the

Ring of Power amd Might!

I created this Ring because I've noticed a lack of Project A-ko webring out there. If you like Project A-ko as much as I do, then fill in the form below and join the Project A-ko Ring of Power and Might!

Qiuck note: Before submitting your site, make sure you have added the HTML tag below to it. I will hold the pages for 1 week. If, after that week, the HTML code is not on the page, I will deleted the que from the ring,

Submit site to Project A-ko's Ring of Power and Might!
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Use the form below to edit your site info.

Site ID No:

Below is the HTML code you enter to have the Ring on your page.

This Project A-ko's Ring of Power and Might site is owned by

Want to join the Project A-ko's Ring of Power and Might?
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Click HERE to get the source HTML code.

Make sure you change the "SITE_ID_HERE_" to the sitenumber the form gives you. Also change the Email address and YOUR NAME to your settings.

Members can add another page to the Ring. Click HERE!

Note: When adding a page to the Ring, please make sure the Ring does NOT contain nude or otherwise offensive material. Remember,this Ring is meant for children also. Also,make sure the page is good and well thought out,not just hacked and slashed and thrown together.