Oh hi Izumi! What's up? ^_^
*Ahem* This page our heads are virtually floating in is a Guest Pick's page
for Ian Kim, remember? We're supposed to be talking about HIM?
ACK!! That's right! I was so preoccupied about giving the Turnpike good
wishes that I forgot completely!! O_o;; Umm, err. *fidgit* ...gee, you
think people are still looking at us? O.o
Hmm. Well, we could just create a new page and hope for the best. ^_^
Good idea. *shouts out to the internet's inner-workings* Eva-chan!!
*pop!* Konnichi-wa, Emiko-san. *bow*
Hi Eva! ^_^ Could you possibly create a new page for us...I think we're
running out of space. ^_^ Please?
Hai. Inserting a "Next Page" link. *plunk*

Finished. All the netizens have to do is click the arrow. Sayonana.
*bow* *poof!*
Hey, don't you want to stay around and talk to the-- *notes that Eva's
gone* --nevermind. ^^;;
Alright, now let's just hope the user's take the bait! ^_^
Okay, I'll go set up the next page. See ya! ^_^