Lantis’ Info-link Page

Since many people have asked me for information about the Rayearth series and where I got most of the knowledge I have…well, I have seen the whole series of MKR1 and 2. I also have a collection of the that would pretty much sum up how much I know about it :p But if you still are hungry for more info…I have gathered a few of my favorite links on the web. They are very resourceful…and to make it easy for you, I have written a few reviews for the sites that I like. If any of you still have any questions about the series or about anything under the sun…don’t hesitate to drop me a line. Kailu Lantis is always here to be of assistance to you.

In my opinion, this is one of the coolest sites on the web. It has summaries, character guides, translations, images, sounds, merchandise, the OAV series infos and lots of fantastic links.
Magic Knight Rayearth. Browse here for some info and good links.
Magic Knight Rayearth Image Gallery 2.0 Exactly like it says…image galleries on calendars, collections and card set! But have not been updated recently.
Magic Knight Rayearth Gallery A well-made site…great images available here with a couple of links.
Magic Knight Rayearth: The Aprocryphal Quotes A definite cool site…has images for each character.
Rayearth Gallery! Another one of those pages with your images, images, images!
RayEarth OAV A small page with some things about the MKR OAV…in case you’re wondering…OAV stand for Original Animations Video series. It is completely another storyline from the MKR1 and 2 series. Check it out!
Rayearth OAV Peter Evan’s Rayearth page. Lots of info on the OAVs including a preview clip. Good page to visit for all those looking for more on the OAV series.
Welcome to Cefiro! The Place Where Your Will Determines Everything! A great site dedicated to giving you information highway! If you’re looking for images…you won’t see them here…this is very good page for info only…
…for more and MORE links of MKR websites! Enjoy!

| The Realm of Kailu Lantis | Lantis’ Vault of Love and Fire | The Realm of Zagato | The Star-Crossed Lovers: Zagato and Emeraude | The Realm of Innova | The Vision of Eagle | The Realm of Rafaga | Ferio’s Realm | The Magic of Guru Clef | Ascot’s Realm| Info-link Review page | Go Back to Main Page |

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