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[Anime Web Turnpike]
About the Turnpike

   The Anime Web Turnpike™ was founded in August of 1995 by Jay Fubler Harvey as a project to provide a place where everyone could find anime and manga links in a simple and efficient manner, regardless of browser.

   Quickly becoming one of the most popular and frequently updated anime sites on the web, the Turnpike has received many awards and accolades, including receiving MacUser magazine's 101 MustSee Links award, being chosen as an ExciteSeeing Tourstop and thanks to author and manga expert, Frederik Schodt, an article in the English Language Japanese newspaper, The Mainichi Daily News, and a screen shot in Fred's new book "Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga".

   Firmly situated as one of the anime web hub sites, the Turnpike is now the largest organized collection of anime and manga related links anywhere on the internet and has sponsored the 1996 AniPike Contest with arguably the largest anime prize collection (over $2000) in United States anime fandom history.

   With a bright future ahead of us, the Turnpike is looking forward to providing better access to even more anime and manga fans, web boards for fans to gather and talk on various subjects and other secret plans to enhance its overall nature and give you even more of a reason to visit often.

My thanks for your continued support of the Turnpike!

Jei Fubler Harvey

About the Turnpike @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 6/30/97