Trixie Turnpike


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[Anime Web Turnpike]
AniPike Credits

To the people who give of their time, and more, to Anipike.
(Please also visit our Thanks page..)

  • Will Ray, for giving us a home on Soyokaze in the beginning.

  • Miro, for hosting our european mirror site.

  • The creator of Anipike's pink-haired mascot "Trixie Turnpike",
    Hans Raillard.

  • Tim Neems who showed us that Trixie *really* knows how to hitch-hike.  :)

  • Ryan Gavigan keeps an eye on the Fan Subs/Dubs page, especially bringing order to the Fan Dubbers/Subber Parodies section.

  • The enthusiastic Anne Packrat, who for some reason has 'Knight of the Anime Round' next to her name, checks our pages for us. Visit Escaflowne: Leavetakings and maybe you might be inspired to send Anne a chapter to add to it. Ah! Anne's own site is here, Hammerspace!

  • Ben Cantrick, who also helps us with page checking, highlights his BCG Nukem and Spamdogs pages with his .sig. This page has links to them and more.. (more than you might want to know about "the Nose"...  ;)

  • Patrick Vera, who gave the 'Pike it's updating power during the early days.

  • Ian Justman, who shared his knowledge of Japanese on Unix systems with us.

  • Frederik Schodt and Lea Hernandez, for their great publicity and support.

  • Ryan Mathews entertains us with his column "Last Exit Before Toll".  :)
    (Ryan is mentioned here because we want everyone to know who's responsible for the stuff that appears just about every third Monday of the month. In fact, if this was the "Thanks" page, he'll be thanking Anipike for hosting his column! Hey Ryan! Jei needs a new 36" TV.  ;D)

  • For making Anipike an interesting place to visit for anime/manga lovers: all site owners/maintainers of the sites that have sent us their URLs (as well as updates..  :)

Credits Page @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 12/7/98