Trixie Turnpike


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[Anime Web Turnpike]
Awards and Accolades


[MacUser's 101 MustSee Links]

The Turnpike was proud to have been chosen as one of MacUser's 101 Must-See Sites in its March 1996 issue.

[NetGuide Gold Site]

The Turnpike has been selected as a
NetGuide Gold Site. (Jan 97)

[ExciteSeeing Tourstop] The Turnpike has been selected as an
ExciteSeeing Tourstop! (Nov 96)

[Suite 101 Recommended Site]

The Turnpike was chosen as a
Suite 101 Recommended Site.

[Best of Campus May 1996]

The Turnpike has been awarded a "Best of Campus" Award by the Internet Board of Members Discount Link, Inc. Be sure to nominate your university site!

Even More Awards


Dreamland Japan

A screen shot and mention of the Turnpike can be seen in Frederik Schodt's (Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics) new book, "Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga".

Mentions of the Turnpike can be seen in Gilles Poitras' new book,
"The Anime Companion".

The Anime Companion

The Complete Anime Guide

A screenshot and mention of the Turnpike can be seen in the second edition of "The Complete Anime Guide" by Doug Ranney and Trish Ledoux.

The Turnpike is featured in a book on "Otaku Amigos", by Gainax co-founder Toshio Okada, Shunichi Karasawa & Nao Minda, published by Softbank Corp.

Otaku Amigos

The Turnpike is featured in a book on "Otaku Amigos", by Gainax co-founder Toshio Okada, Shunichi Karasawa & Nao Minda, published by Softbank Corp.

The Turnpike will be one of the sites featured in "Inter-OTAKU-net" by Diamond Inc.

The Turnpike has a listing in the "WWW Yellow Pages" from AI Publishing Inc. of Japan.


[Discovery Channel] The Turnpike was featured in the Discovery Channel Web Site's Virtual Tech series. (Aug 97)

The Turnpike and yours truly were featured in Frederik Schodt's March 2nd Manga Article of the Japanese English Language Newspaper, The Mainichi Daily News.

The Turnpike was mentioned in CNN's 8/26/96 online article: Japanese "Anime" Animation making the rounds in the US.

The Turnpike was mentioned in the Washington Post's 5/15/97 article: "Cross-Cultural Cartoon Cult".

The Turnpike and yours truly were featured in Project Anime Magazine's June '97 interview.

The Turnpike and yours truly were featured in Animecca Magazine's July '96 interview.

The Turnpike was included in SOHO Media's World Wide Web CD-ROM Guide.

The Turnpike received a 4 (out of 5) rating by NetGuide.

The Turnpike received a 4 (out of 4) rating by IGuide's Net Reviews.

The Turnpike received a 3 (out of 4) rating by Excite Web Reviews.

The Turnpike was mentioned by Lea Hernandez in Wizard and Mangazine.

The Turnpike has also been mentioned in past issues of Protoculture Addicts.

Awards and Accolades @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved
Last Update: 12/7/98