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Last Exit Before Toll

by Ryan Mathews

May 1997

Hello! And welcome to my column, a monthly trip through the ever-expanding universe that is the Anime Web Turnpike. If you're like me, the vast number of sites on the 'Pike can get in the way of recreational browsing. Let's face it, not all the sites are that great, and not all of us have the time to look at each and every site in a given category. So I'm gonna make it easy for you.

Each month, I'll examine a category of websites in depth, pointing out the can't-miss and coolest links (as well as some that are just plain weird). This will be a friendly review column, pointing out sites to visit, not sites to avoid.

That's not to say that I'm a softy when it comes to reviewing websites. Oh, no. This is my second attempt at web reviewing. In the first attempt, Jei (the 'Pike's administrator) chose some of the sites for me and two other reviewers. I quickly gained a reputation as "the grumpy one". Let's look at why:

"I'm not wild about EVANGELION. Sue me. The page locked up on a stupid hit-counter, an automatic half-point design deduction. And shouldn't the page contain a description of the plot?"

"This isn't a site, it's a page. One enormous page. Took me 40 strokes of the Page Down key to get to the bottom of it.
Site design: * out of **** (What site design?)"

"'Wow, pretty site' was my first impression. Well, actually my second. My first was 'Is this thing ever going to LOAD?!!'"

"EX, formerly AMPlus, proved that it is possible to design a good on-line anime magazine without using frames. This magazine could stand to learn that lesson."

"Sorry, but I have to pass on this site. The site is viewable only with Java, which I don't have (and being that I don't feel like switching to Microsloth Behemoth95, I suppose I never will)."

This time around, thankfully, I get to choose the sites, which means almost all happy words from me, although you'll forgive me if some criticism occasionally slips in.

Okay! Enough with the introduction! Let's get on with it!

Last Exit Before Toll @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 4/21/97