The Andy FAQ 4.2b
"It's like a shrine to myself" - Andy
Last Edited on 4.10.Tiger

New Stuff:
Baby Pictures have been added.
Hobbies Section has been added.
Some old pictures have been subtracted.

New Features of Version 4.2a:
My name is James Andrew Kitkowski
The following services are available:

MY HOBBIES   Heh heh heh.

Potentially Embarrassing Baby Pictures  Finally added.  This section was last edited on 4.10.98

Academic History  Here's my Academic History, for those of you keeping track.  I love it when people include something so lame as an academic history-  As if anyone gives a fuck what they did in High School.  Here's my answer to that.

Tribute to my Mom 

Case Study
    This is the place where you get to learn too much about me.  The reason I made this page is because I actually like to read people's personal Webpages when I have the time.  Unfortunately, they are usually, in terms of excitement, on par with washing vegetables.  Many people, if they include a "personal" section, make it about as personal as a resume draft.
    Having said that, I've divided my history into two major eras: Earth and College.  take your pick below:

Earth         College

Here's what I would look like if I was Satan...
Click Here to go back to Perihelion

Finally, it's time to give credit where credit is due:
<shameless plug>
Earthreach Internet- WI
Thanks to their more personal and less facelessly bureaucratic approach to web management, Earthreach Internet is my internet provider of choice.  Their rates for webpages are tha bomb...
See for yourself!
<\shameless plug>