"A Great Place to Click"
Perihelion is "The place closest to every other place in the Universe".  It is also my pretentious title for the Nexus that leads to all my websites.
Perihelion was last toyed with on 4.29.Tiger

    This site is enhanced with othing in particular.  Except that using Microsoft Internet Explorer looks like shit compared to Netscape Navigator.  Oh, and I am very partial to using fonts. In fact, I have put a lot of them into my various pages.  Who doesn't love a good font, right?
    Well, to see my page as the visual feast it was intended to be, please direct your cursor to the list of fonts below, download them all, install them using Control Panel (fonts), and look again upon my pages.

If this sentence is difficult to read, you have successfully installed installed the fonts and are using a newer version of Netscape to view this page.
Pages Guide:

Virtual Gaijin- See all about my interesting and exciting life teaching English in Japan:  Read about my pivotal role in the crackdown on government embezzling!  Experience, in a virtual walkthough, the secret underground lair of the Japanese Death Cult that I found on my way to a tutoring session! Learn how I saved the bus full of Japanese schoolchildren, not to mention all of Tokyo, from Sushzilla, the fresh but monstrous man-eating slab of raw fish on a bed of razor-sharp thinly-sliced radish!

The Andy FAQ v4.2b- This page is all about what a wonderful person I am.  I am a truly interesting and exciting human being, look no further than this page for proof.

Mugen no Jyuunin Storypage- Dedicated to a Japanese manga that I can barely read but love nonetheless.

Cinerarium Scriptorium- This is the page dedicated to my best friend's (and my) Praxis.  It's actually up now, too!
Five guys and a Temple- My friends and I are building a Zen Temple in Northern Wisconsin.  See the latest plans... LAST UPDATE: A long time ago.

This area has changed a little.  I redid some of my pages, and streamlined them so that they make better use of a couple of fonts rather than scarse use of hundreds.  Make yours what is mine.
Download the following from here (they're all zipped):
These are used in Virtual Gaijin and the Andy FAQ
Royal Pain        Matisse
Snap ITC        Chickenscratch
Viner Hand
These are used in Mugen no Jyuunin
These are used in the Cinerarium Scriptorium
Two killer font sites:
The Pointless Page                Transmission 23...
I am eternally in debt to Earthreach Internet for their extraordinary homepage rates.  Click HERE to check them out for yourself...