Afternoon Comics' Monthly Mangabon
November 1998


This episode was pretty long, so I divided it into two parts.  In part 1, we see what's become of poor Rin.  In part 2, we follow the ongoing drama of Anotsu and Hisoka.

The Story- PART 1
At the beginning, we see poor Rin stumbling and landing on her face- she was kind of dazed because she hadn't been eating anything lately- she hardly has any money left.  After apologizing and stumbling off somewhere else, Rin decides that it's time for her to start finding food by herself.  She recalls some incidents with Manji.  For example, one time when they were hungry, Manji set up a bird-trap with his hat and they were eating yaki-tori all day.
So Rin gets all encouraged- she finds a stick, puts some string on it, puts ties a piece of old shrimp to the string, and off she goes- "I'm gonna catch something!"  A couple hours later all she's caught is forty winks.  So she tries to do something else:
She remembers a time when she and Manji were by a river.  Manji picked up a huge rock, smashed another rock with it, and in one shot killed some 24 fish that they were eating for the rest of the afternoon.  Rin finds a rock and attempts to do the same thing...
And, expectedly, falls on her ass.  In a river.
Later that night a wet, desperate and disheveled Rin  approaches a food vendor closing for the night and begs them "Um... excuse me... could you give me something to eat for this?"  It's probably the last of her money.
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