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Original combos

Verduran Enchantress, Cadaverous Bloom and Cycle of Life

    Cycle of Life is an enchantment that allows you casting it any number of times as long as you pay 1GG each time and you have summoned a creature this turn. If we find a large enough mana source, this will let us draw any number of cards with Verduran Enchantress.

    The chosen mana source is, of course, Cadaverous Bloom, that will remove from the game the cards we draw in exchange of giving us mana for being able to cast on Cycle of Life and so, drawing more cards.

    Problem is, if we remove from the game three cards with Cadaverous Bloom to gain GGGGGG, we will only be able to cast Cycle of Life twice and draw two cards (so we lose cards, altough we give +2/+2 to the creature wesummoned). So, to gain cards we need two Enchantresses in play so we can draw two cards per enchantment. If we take last example, we would discard three cards to draw four and, as well, put two +1/+1 counters on the creature we summoned.

    This combo works with any enchantment you can return to your hand, but I chose Cycle of Life because, as well as being able to be cast several times each turn (other enchantments such as Gossamer Chains cannot), it provides an additional advantage to extra cards: we will pump up a creature until as big as we wish, a creature that can perfectly be a flying and possibly unblockable Scryb Sprites that can be able to easily kill your opponent, or it can be any creature on which you will cast Trailblazer next turn, making it deadly unblockable.

    Other variant (that does work with any enchantment you can return to tour hand as soon as you cast it, the cheaper the better) consists in accumulating in your hand all cards you need to cast a deadly (for your opponent) Drain Life or Hurricane (possibly helped by a Taste of Paradise).