Hello ^^ i hope you notice the changes.. hehehe.. i re-organized my images page.. wow wow.. itz nothing much though.. just that i move them here and there.. wah, i found so much broken link? i probably lost them when i moved my page.. so i did added some more images.. and sort them in catagories ^^ i just noticed that i have more than 100+ images in my gallery! gee.. itz kinda hard to sort them all ^^'' wah, images policy still be the same, dont' worry, but please tell me if you wanna use my images.. ^^ and also, please do respect Yoshizumi Wataru sensei, ^.^ all of them belong to her... no suein' Kimmiez', okie?
[ cover insert ] [ sd pictures ] [ misc pictures ] [ ribon related ]
[ world tour cards collection ]
 [black & white images]