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Link to my favorite pages (*^_^*)
Please visit them if you have time. I guess you won't be disappointed!!

Mintna Bokura's LinkZ!

Anime Web Turnpike
(very cool!)

Ribon Magazine


Ribon Database

Kei-chan Ribon Manga's Gallery
She has many cute images from Ribon Magazine but take BIG while to load ;D

Jeanne A Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Site

LeT's JoiN

This Kimmiez' Ribon RiNg site
is owned by KiMMiEz.
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Cutest Graphic on Earth, Ever..

Wow.. so cool!! no Ad. and Popup!! also fast and cool!
Toonz Book
The cutest guestbook i've ever seen!
(in Thai) umm.. have almost everything.. =D
(in Thai again) cool site for icq freak! hehehe.. and many more cool stuff!

Want me to put down a link to your page?
Well, just e-mail me and attach your banner there or sign my guestbook and put your HTML code there ( you can attach your banner there too! ).

* please sign my guestbook before you leave =~~~ *
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