Here are the Angels!:) Once again, just a reminder......there are SPOILERS for the manga in the following descriptions.

pic of adam kadamon
Adam Kadamon: this is the mysterious six-winged angel who is imprisoned in Etemenaki (the tower in the highest level of heaven). Adam Kadamon, also known as Serafita is neither male nor female. S/he is said to posses the ancient powers that are of neither light nor darkness. He/she often calls Setsuna, "itoshi ko" or beloved child. One of Adam Kadamon's powers is to stop time, both Rosiel and Setsuna are said to have this power as well. Adam Kadamon uses this power to stop time on Earth after Setsuna unleashes his power. It is still unknown why he/she is imprisoned in Etemenanki.

pic of Katoh
Metatron: One of the highest angels in rank, just below the organic and inorganic angels. The "Voice" of God. He is always in the form of a small boy and acts like a child as well. Metatron does not have the true power because Sevothtarte is behind all his actions and is the real ruler of heaven (after God's disappearence.) Sandalphon is sealed within his mind and talks to him through his toy rabbit.

pic of sevothtarte
Sevothtarte: Sevothtarte or Sevi for short. Actually no one really knows the correct spelling for his name. Could also be spelled: Sevofutalta, Sevothtartra...and so on. Anyway, he is the "White Angel" who is currently in control of heaven. He pulls the strings behind Metatron and is a dictator. He never shows his face to anyone, and anybody unlucky enough to see it dies quickly. The truth is that Sevi is the fallen angel Laila. See the Laila section for more Spoilers about him.

pic of sandalphon Sandalphon: This is Sandalphon, Metatron's twin brother. Sandalphon doesn't really have a body. There was a project that started to create a body for him, but it is that ugly bloated baby like thing that you see. He wants a real body, like Metatron has, and will do anything to get one. He seems to hold the real power and claims to be the most powerful, after God. Sandalphon is the one who "erased" Laila and "created" Sevothtarte. He is eventually "released" from his seal and has posseses Metatron's body. He rapes Laila in order to impregnate her and have her create a new body for him. After she kills herself he goes after Sara. If there is a true "evil" character in AS this is it.

pic of zaphikiel Zaphikiel: He is the angel of the thrones and has a a very high rank in the angel hierarchy. Zaphikiel was marked with the brand of a fallen angel (specifically the Peccato brand) after he killed his beloved Anael by accident. This was a setup by Sevothtarte so that Sevi could have more control over Zaphikiel. He tries to kill himself by slicing his throat, but is unsuccessful. Adam Kadamon then appears to him and blinds Zaphikiel with his radiance. He eventually becomes the head of the underground rebel group "Anima Mundi." Zaphikiel has been researching for years for proof to undermine the rule of the dictator Sevothtarte. It is because of this proof that they are able to prove that Sevi isn't exactly who he says he is. Zaph is the one who steals Sara's soul from Hades in order to force Setsuna to aid him. He is eventually caught as the rebel leader and sentenced to have his wings cut off (which turns angels into ghouls). After he turns into a ghoul he remembers his true self and asks to be killed because he will lose his memory and become a mindless thing. Before he dies he gives the leadership of Anima Mundi to Raziel. However, he was smart enough to leave the evidence to bring Sevi down with Uriel who later uses this evidence at the trial of Jibrille.

pic of raziel Raziel: He was taken to laboratory when he was younger and was experimented on constantly because he had "abnormal" powers. Zaphikiel saves him by taking him out of that horrible place and treats him kindly. Because of this Raziel has an intense loyalty to Zaphikiel and is constantly by his side. He is the one given leadership of Anima Mundi when Zaphikiel dies. I strongly suspect that he is the child of Zaphikiel and Anael though there is no clear proof given. The child survived, but no one knows what happened to it. Given the fact that Raz doesn't know how he was created(and the fact that he looks a LOT like Anael) there is a good chance he is that child.

pic of mika-chan
Michael: the angel of Fire. He is short, has red hair and a bad temper. No one may ever mention his height or is older twin brother Lucifer, without having to face the consequences of his temper:) Only Raphael seems to be able to handle him. He is certainly not the typical "heroic" angel that humans imagine him to be...but he's cute nonetheless!^_^

pic of raphiel Raphael : The angel of the Wind. He is one of the few people who can handle Michael (more affectionately known as Mika-chan!:) Raph is also the playboy and is constantly with a woman. He became disillusioned about the "purity" of angels because of Belial. After that time, he started to treat women as objects. He seems to be breaking out of this habit because of Sara and seems to be falling in love with her. Raphael has the power to resurrect the dead and is forced by Uriel to resurrect Setsuna's body after he dies. He later resurrects Sara's body, allowing her to leave Jibrille's body.

pic of  uriel Uriel : the angel of the Earth and the judgementmaker. He was in love with Alexiel, but got angered at her after she rejected him. Uriel was the one who delivered the judgement of her punishment. He destroyed his vocal chords after that as a punishment for himself. He now resides in Hades and looks after lost souls and the tree Yggdrasil. It is because of him that Setsuna returns to life by threatening Raphael into resurrecting Setsuna. Uriel creates Doll in the image of Sara and puts the lost soul of Kirie into her body. He also sort of brings Katoh back to "life."

pic of  uriel Jibrille : the angel of the Water, also known as Gabriel. She was always a very remote and cold person until Sevothtarte puts her in a catatonic state and forces her soul to become the guardian angel for Alexiel's reincarnations. Jibrille's latest incarnation happens to be Mudou Sara. Her body is made catatonic by Sevi's "hari". Metatron pulls the "hari" out of Jibrille's neck (a suggestion from rabbit man/ sandalphon), therefore returning her soul into her true body. However, Jibrille does not return...instead it is Sara (the reincarnation) who enters Jibrille's body. So Sara is returned back to life as an Angel until Raphael returns her to her old body.

pic of  laila Laila : the angel with the most beautiful voice in heaven and the cross scar on her forehead. She was head of the Sandalphon project and used to sing to Sandalphon. Her best friend was Anael, the beloved of Zaphikiel. However, she was in love with Zaphikiel as well. She rose to a very high status while in the project and so many people became jealous of her. A group of men attack and rape her, which drives her over the edge of sanity. She attacks Nydd Hogg(sp?) and blames him as well for the attack even though he's innocent. Even though she was a victim, she is marked on her face with the brand of the fallen angel: "Lilith". In her desperation she goes to Sandalphon and asks for help to destroy the ones who hurt her. All the people involved with the incident (innocent or guilty) die suddenly, including Nydd Hogg who loves Laila. She asks to be "erased" and Sandalphon grants her wish and turns her into Sevothtarte. He promises that she will have great power. As Sevothtarte, she does not remember her life as Laila. Sevothtarte becomes a ruthless dictator and causes the death of Anael and sets up the fall of Zaphikiel. During the trial of Jibrille, Uriel brings forth the truth. Sevothtarte remembers who he once was and snaps. Sandalphon finds her and rapes her in order to create a new body, which further destroys her. However it is Rosiel who totally drives him/her insane with certain visions. She is later visited by the spirit of Nydd Hogg who tells her that he still loves her and doesn't blame her for his death. Laila then kills herself by throwing herself out the window (therefore thwarting Sandalphon's plans for a new body.)
***NOTE: I call Sevothtarte a 'he', but it is in fact she. Laila does not undergo a complete physical change when she becomes Sev. I only call Sev a 'he', because for most of the manga we think he is a guy and because her personality is more like a man's when she is Sevi.

pic of  anael
Anael : she is the lover of Zaphikiel and best friend of Laila. Anael was also part of the Sandalphon project, accept she felt that Sandalphon was evil and didn't want to go foward with the project. She was pregnant with Zaphikiel's child, whose whereabouts is still unknown. Sevothtarte sets Zaphikiel up to kill Anael, who can't call out to him because of the "hari" in her neck. Laila felt that Zaphikiel "corrupted" Anael.

pic of  katan
Katan : He is the "child" of Rosiel. Katan was a spirit of the lowest class of angels who have no physical form. Rosiel creates a body for him and gives him a name. This is before the time of Rosiel's "change." Rosiel considers Katan to be the one pure, beautiful thing that he ever created in his life. It is Katan who reawakens Rosiel by using the "Angel Sanctuary" game to steal energy for him.

pic of  kirie
Kirie : A low ranking angel who is deeply in love with Rosiel and believes he loves her (he doesn't). She is the one who kills Sara, which causes Setsuna to unleash his powers on the city. She dies at this moment and in her grief (realizing Rosiel was just using her) her wandering soul goes to Hades where Uriel finds her and puts her into Doll. As Doll she has no memories of her former life.

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