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Thank you for visiting my site. My humble shrine is here to offer it's visitors info about the Angel Sanctuary manga/anime series, links to other Angel Sanctuary sites, and descriptions of all the Major characters.

UPDATE- October 8th: Not an update but some big, BIG NEWS....the rights to the Angel Sanctuary anime have been bought by Central Park Media. This is official. AS will be coming stateside afterall...

Join Shioul!
I'm writing to tell minna about the Shioul -The Mad Tea Party Mailing List that is run by Re-miel-san. This list is mainly dedicated to AS and Kaori Yuki:) Noise is welcome though...anything from gothic shoujo manga to jrock (and anything else interesting you can think of) is fine. Feel free to Join!^_^

Click to subscribe to Shioul

Note: With the exception of the "Jigoku" shrine, this site is not meant to be a massive image gallery. Lots of nice, hard working people have already scanned in Angel Cage and Angelic Voice, so you will not find too many of those images here. The "Jigoku" shrine does have images, but it is a character shrine and so it has mostly only images for that character. There will also be images in the mini galleries, but not too many and only for my favorite characters:)

Please ask before taking any images from this site to put on yours. Credit and a link to this site should also be given! more that 5 scans from this site can be used on any one site. Any picture that is specially edited for this site (such as image in the Jigoku shrine, the image in the Nanatsusaya page, the Lucifer info page, or the Kira area) is for the use of this site only. No permission will be given to use these images. Sorry, but those are the new rules.

So here is a more detailed description for what is in store for you! The Story section is simply a short summary of what AS is about...basically a brief summary of the first main story arc. It's here to let you get a taste of AS. The characters section deals with all the MAJOR characters of AS...and there are LOTS of them. This section will include links to mini-galleries for some of the characters. Currently only a small mini galleries for Mad Hatter and Rosiel are up. Then of course there is my pride and joy the JIGOKU shrine. Beware this shrine is full of SPOILERS! Though you'll be missing out on A LOT by not going there:) Well...ENJOY!!!

Angelic Pathways





e-mail me!

DISCLAIMER: Angel Sanctuary and all the characters of AS are the property of KAORI YUKI! I am in no way making a profit from this site. It is simply a fan made site for the fans of Angel Sanctuary. All AS art is hers and was scanned in by me(except in any cases noted).

NOTICE ABOUT CONTACTING ME: Feel free to e-mail me comments and suggestions!:) However flames will not be tolerated. Koari Yuki's work is based off of various religous faiths, in particular Christianity and Judaism. While I feel none of her work is offending there might be those who are overly sensitive and might not like it...But to me all these are simply characters in a story. So don't e-mail me saying I'm going to hell cause I don't believe in that stuff anyway. Any such letters will be read and laughed at, then deleted.

Moyra's Mystic Garden: This is where I got those blue wheel type graphics