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    l e g a l   d i s c l a i m e r

first of all, the essentials. ayashi no ceres (妖しのセレス) is © yuu watase (渡瀬悠宇) 1997, 1998, 1999, and is published by shogakukan (info@shogakukan.co.jp), flower comics, and shoujo comics. all ayashi no ceres images and material on this site are © yuu watase, and probably the aforementioned companies as well. those of us who participate in the anctp have nothing but the greatest respect for watase-sama and her works.

this site is operated and designed by fans of ayashi no ceres for other fans, and is entirely non-profit in nature. it generates zero commercial gain (in fact, i operate it at a US$50/month loss) and has no purpose other than to promote a wider readership of ayashi no ceres among the english-speaking audience.

all web design and code on this site is © 1999 brandon bannerman. although the original manga is © yuu watase, the translations found therein are the result of the hard work and effort of many fans, as noted on each individual translation. you may not repost, alter, publish, or otherwise redistribute these translations without the specific expressed permission of the translator.

oh yeah, image credits. well, 90% of the images on this site are modified from scans of my issues of anc or shokomi, so all due credit goes to watase-sensei. i must insist that you not take and use the modified images--it would be kind of pointless anyway, since most of them are very specific to this site. the tiny gifs of japanese text in the translations, however, you're free to use as you like--they're nothing that anyone with a copy of jwp and paint shop pro couldn't make in 30 seconds anyway. any of my original artwork in the art gallery is © brandon bannerman, and cannot be reposted, etc, without explicit permission from me. scanned ayashi no ceres images in the art gallery are subject to ayashi.net's image policy.

the bottom line is... be nice, we're doing this for fun!

ayashi.net web design, graphics, and content © 1999 brandon bannerman unless otherwise noted.