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  welcome to the ayashi no ceres translation project. as the name suggests, we are working in a more or less organized fashion towards the end of translating the ayashi no ceres manga by yuu watase. we do this not out of any interest in commercial gain, but rather out of the utmost respect for yuu watase and the brilliant worlds she creates.

  if you understand at least enough japanese to read manga, and would like to help, we welcome your contribution. please visit our rather underused web forum for news and discussions. on the other hand, if you're just an avid fan of ayashi no ceres looking for english translations, look no further. here you'll find the most complete archive of anc translations, along with plenty of links to help you get the most out of this series.

   anc translation project

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anc translations
where to get anc
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ayashi.net web design, graphics, and content © 1999 brandon bannerman unless otherwise noted--see legal page.