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n a m e
c a t e g o r y
aogiri.net is primarily dedicated to ayashi no ceres and the worship of aogiri yuuhi, but also hosts a number of other, smaller anime and manga-related sites.
seishin no ayashi no ceres peiji
really well-designed and presented, with lots of useful information. pound for pound some of the most quality content to be found of any anc page i've seen. reams of images, lots of cute toys (like custom email addresses with anc domains), and a list of online resources for learning about the series. sadly, however, it hasn't been updated in a very long time.
yuu watase's ayashi no ceres
an informative anc web page with lots of series information, excellent character data, as well as image galleries. the first volume and part of the second volume of anc have translations here, and there's even the obligatory tooya shrine. possibly one of the best features of this site is the anc forums, where folks can post and read messages about the series.
fairytale of heaven
a pretty site with plot summaries and some web site background images the webmistress has done. meghan plans to add info on the tennyo legends once she has more.
reika-chan's ayashi no ceres page
good general series information, some very nice explanations of a few obscure cultural references in volume 1, and some really outstanding translations of volume 1.
ceres' ayashi no ceres page
quite a few manga scans, plus an informative link to the ayashi no ceres mailing list.
the ayashi no ceres webring
if you run an anc-related page and are interested in joining the official web ring, this is the place to do it.
ayashi no ceres fanfiction archive
exactly what it sounds like. still in its infancy, but growing as people write more.
ruri's ayashi no ceres translations
a relatively recent page with some good translations of parts of volume 1, as well as volume summaries and character data.
tennyo no densetsu
general information site with lots of links, a few manga cover scans, a tooya shrine, an anc fanclub, and did i mention more links?
ayashi no ceres crush
nice clean page design, quick-loading, and easy to get around. some nice fan art, and lots of image scans/edits, categorized by character. she gets points here; many of these are shokomi scans i haven't seen anywhere else.
warau chourou no seikatsu
南光さんと多姫さんの妖セレなファンページなんです。「笑う長老の生活」は英語で「The Lives of Smiling Old Ones」みたいです。こちらにとても便利な妖セレ情報がありますよ。本当におすすめです。This page is Japanese-only.
akaneko's anc fan page
初めて行く時に、きれいだと思いました。近来もう見ました、そしてやっぱり本当にきれいなページですよ!なんか、あかねコさんはすごく上手だと思います。This page is Japanese-only.
yuumi's nohohon teatime
これも日本のページです。「のほほんTeaTime」のことが分らないけど、ゆうみのページを訪問して下さい。このページも「妖しのセレス」のページがあります。This page is Japanese-only.
これは日本のページだよ。判れば訪問して下さいけど。 on the other hand, if you didn't understand any of that or couldn't see the japanese text, you probably won't get much out of the site.
seresu2's room
これも日本の妖セレのページです。This page is Japanese-only.
bishounen collection
not strictly ayashi no ceres, but you have to admire dedication--in this case, dedication to enshrining and worshiping bishounen--a japanese word that roughly means 'handsome young man' but often carries connotations of femininity.
the anime web turnpike
the ultimate resource for all things anime and manga. no description could even do this page proper justice. just go there. now.
seimei's ignisfatuus art
seimei runs what is, in my opinion, one of the greatest fan art pages that exists anywhere on the net. much of the art is based on fushigi yuugi, but a great deal of it is original or based on other series as well. you can spend days here.
the akabeko
the akabeko is one of my all-time favorite ruroken sites, and one of the better fanfic pages i've seen. most of the fanfics are centered around the unspoken (at least, in the series) romance between kenshin and kaoru, explored tastefully and with a fine writing style. even if fanfics aren't your thing, any ruroken fan can get a laugh out of the takeouts section.
pretty combat communist rika-chan
one of the most underrated and least well-known anime/manga series in the history of the genre. everyone who likes shoujo anime/manga should go here and explore. ^_~
jwpce homepage
if you have windows 95/98/nt or windows ce, you can use this program--and i highly recommend it. jwpce is an invaluable tool for english-speaking fans of manga who don't want to wait for the translations, as well as for people who work with the japanese language on an english os. best of all, it's free.
jeffrey's japanese/english dictionary
if you don't have a windows os, or can't afford the disk space or download time to get jwpce, this is the next best thing. You can greatly customize the interface on this page (i have all the colors and background markup omitted, and set it to use my japanese-enabled browser), and the translation engine is pretty smart.

ayashi.net web design, graphics, and content © 1999 brandon bannerman unless otherwise noted--see legal page.