History of the Gatchaman Home Page

June 21, 1998

Well, after school and work, I haven't had much time to update the site in the past two months. I've finally taken the time to add Gatchacon '98 info, as well as some new retailers and internet resources. I've also removed my tape list, at least for now. People who have requests in with me shouldn't worry -- I'll get back to them, but new requests will not be accepted. I've had way too much to do lately (sorry).

I've also added Briony's list of all BOTP TV Comic episodes, plus some European viewing info regarding G-Force and Eagle Riders. The Animetal web site was finally added to the songs page, as well.

I still plan on adding more TV Comics to the pages, as well as making the site a bit easier to navigate. Keep your eyes open. I should be around a bit more often.

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Previous Updates:

April 11, 1998

Added Briony Coote's TV Comic pages to the list, plus a few other upgrades. I plan on adding some color stories soon, so keep an eye out!

March 14, 1998

Added some new resources to the references and sightings pages.

Also added two new criteria to my taping page. Please take note!

March 9, 1998

Got rid of some dead links on the Reference Page. Also updated some old links. Haven't had the time to put the new ones in yet.

Also changed the link on my Tapes page to point to the Gatchaman Resource Page for tapes.

March 8, 1998

Added new art by Jess Stoncius.

March 7, 1998

I've nearly finished the new look for the pages, updated some info (mainly re. tapes and Bird Scramble), and figured I'd put the pages up now that I'm at this point.

I still have to add new information, web sites, fanfic, etc., so definitely keep your eyes open!

In other news, my ISP has decided to discontinue service to their non-commercial customers (not unexpected, since this wasn't the poor guy's day job), so I'm shopping around for a new ISP. I've got one in mind already, so, if everything goes well, I should be moving to a new site with more space within the next month. I'll definitely keep you posted!

January 24, 1998

I'm beginning a complete overhaul of these pages. For the first time since they were created, I plan on restructuring the pages, adding new graphics and navigation tools (once I get everything figured out), and adding a whole bunch of new stuff before my contributors get mad at me. :)  This may take a while, but I hope the overall effect is worth it.

Oct. 14, 1997

Well, this is going to be in a constant state of upheaval until after the con. (heh) I've got a ton of fanfic to add, more general info, and the Gatchaman Web Ring to figure out, so my apologies if some links are broken or if I haven't added your fanfic in what seems to be an excessively long time...

Sept. 16, 1997

More Gatchapalooza info, finally...

July 9, 1997

A couple more merchants, more resources, and a couple more pictures floating around...

July 8, 1997

Added quite a bit... More fanfic, more fan art, more web sites, more merchants, more merchandise, etc. Whee! Also added some scans of the BOTP comic on the merchandise page (well, links to them, anyway).

May 16, 1997

Added some fan art to the Corner Booth. Thanks, MZ! Also added Chapter 1 to Phoenix Rising (finally).

May 15, 1997

Added the second chapter to the "Scarlet Falcon" saga, new info on the upcoming commercial OAV release, more BOTP merchandise released in England, new web pages, another station carrying Eagle Riders, and a pathetic link to AWA for the Gatchapalooza page.

April 16, 1997

Some new additions to the Corner Booth, fixed a spelling mistake (whoops), and added a couple new resources.

April 3, 1997

Added the Gatchapalooza page (though no info yet) and a few additions to the Corner Booth. Also added a couple new resources.

February 15, 1997

Got off my butt (and waited for NETIS to fix its space problems) to finally update these pages. Added the new sightings sections and general info overall. New stations featuring Eagle Riders, new sites in general, and links to pix of the BOTP board game. Also added a review of the British TV comic (BOTP) that's worth a look!

November 19, 1996

Finally moved the pages over to the new ISP. I hope that I'll be able to offer some of the fan art and stories I'd been planning to offer.

Also updated some information and fleshed out some other parts.

October 20, 1996

Added more Eagle Riders info.

October 3, 1996

Added a few new statons to the Eagle Riders list.

September 24, 1996

I'm afraid this took a lot longer than I had originally expected -- my apologies to anyone who'd been waiting for new info (especially after the introduction of Eagle Riders! My new ISP is up, however, and I've finally taken it upon myself to move the pages and update them while I had the chance. (HA -- the new ISP is still not accepting web uploads, so those'll get done whenever they can...)

June 18, 1996

Well, I've been waiting for my new ISP to get on the ball, but so far, it seems I won't be moving for a while... I've updated the resources, merchandise, and the video pages. There is a new update to Alara's situation! Please read it!

March 19, 1996

Added a Q&A section for the questions people seem to ask me every week. Touched up the pages a bit and added links to the Phoenix Rising prologue and another bit of silliness...

March 1, 1996

Reorganized the whole shebang. I'll be adding some of my fanfics and personal goofiness here, as well as attempting to get the whole plot / characters thing up and running.

February 21, 1996

Removed Alara's tapes.txt file from the page until her VCR is fixed. Seems too many people were e-mailing for requests in spite of the broken VCR. An updated copy will return after the VCR is fixed or replaced.

February 16, 1996

Added Wendy Dinsmore's Gatch page to the resources page. Nice page! Definitely recommended!

February 13, 1996

Removed entry on the resources page for C-ko's Duplication Service (and added a note on the intro page). C-ko is no longer distributing the first Gatch OAV. NT Anime will be officially offering it soon (check the fansubbers' list, folks!), however.

Also tidied things up a bit, updated links, e-mail addresses, and the like.

February 8, 1996

Not really a page update, but took part in the EFF Blue Ribbon Campaign against net censorship, as President Clinton signed the telecommunications bill into effect.

February 2, 1996

Added some new merchandise info sent to me by Wendy.

January 24, 1996

Tomorrow, two days later... Hey...

I've added some more information regarding where folks can find the BOTP comic, though the prices are enough to make me stay away.

January 22, 1996

Wow, I'm actually working on this at home rather than at lunch... I've added a local copy of Alara's tapes.txt file due to the number of problems folks have been having getting into ftp.netcom.com. I won't be archiving Alara's summaries -- go see Eric's page for those (I don't want to step on anyone's toes, now). I will keep it up to date with Alara's version on the ftp site so nobody gets the short end of the (pointy) stick. I have other additions, but it's late and I'm tired, so they'll wait until tomorrow...

January 5, 1996

Added some new links found while searching the web. Fun stuff! Also added new info from Nichibei Anime Club -- they're on the lookout for more Gatch stuff, so keep your eyes open!

January 3, 1996

Updated the Nichibei Anime Club e-mail address. Also working on character profiles, so be on the lookout!

December 21, 1995

Added the BOTP comic book to the merchandise page (I stumbled across a couple of these babies, finally!).

December 5, 1995

Added some merchandise to the merchandise page (where else?). Basically, I went to a collectors' show this past weekend and picked up a copy of the BOTP board game. I figured it might be a good idea to add some of the English language merchandise that was released. If anyone remembers anything else Gatch related that they had as a kid, please let me know...

November 30, 1995

Not a major change, just an update to let folks know that the Gatch page is taking part in "A Day Without Graphics" (see the link in the Gatch page) in honor of World Aids Day (Dec. 1). The page will be disabled for the day, with only the link to the DWG page. The page will be back up on Dec. 2.

November 1, 1995

Added an extensive merchandise list compliments of Wendy Dinsmore! Thanks, Wendy!

October 31, 1995 (boo!)

Added Nichibei Anime Club and Planet Anime info to merchandise page. Also added another page to the resources page. Started using the NEW! icon to keep the new stuff straight around here...

October 27, 1995

Added g-force2.jpg to image archive.

October 26, 1995

Well, I'll be changing quite a few things around, so keep your eyes peeled. I plan on adding character profiles as time permits (about time, eh?), adding more information on places you can purchase Gatch merchandise (and what, exactly, is out there), and other things that may strike my fancy. Right now, I've got the bare framework for the characters, but not much else. A list of merchandise is f orthcoming -- this list will not be a comprehensive list of every Gatch product ever made. Rather, it will serve as a guide to point you toward some of the things you may order.

Also, a clarification has been made to the image gallery pics (thanks, everyone who provided me with the information -- I didn't know so many people cared! blush).

September 22, 1995

Added some pix from Gatchaman Graffiti that Katharine was nice enough to send me (thanks!). There's more, but I don't have the time as of yet to get it all on the page. Also, removed the image-intensive page with all the thumbnails simply because I'm worried about running over quota.

September 18, 1995

Added jun2.jpg. Moved the BOTP pages (Anthony's) to the old lynx site because I ran out of quota space... Oh well...

September 14, 1995

I've added two new pix, CDfront.jpg and CDback.jpg. I didn't get the book I was looking for, so nothing else yet.

September 13, 1995

I've moved yet again (sorry, folks). The web server at lynx had been flaky for a while, and, as it was a student-run server, I didn't want to take my chances. Anyway, I've finally gotten my alumni account at NUCCS, so I'll be here for a while. I'm going to be busy for a while, so I'm not going to be able to put much of the new info I have up yet. Keep your eyes peeled, though.

August 17, 1995

I've taken it upon myself to reorganize some of the information, as it seemed to be getting a bit too large for one page.

July 26, 1995.

Well, I've moved this page to a new site. I'm hoping I'll have the space to put Ant's BOTP sounds here. Keep checking. Of course, this also means that links may be a bit flaky until I get things together. If something seems wonky, now you know why.

July 19, 1995

I'd like to thank Steve Harrison for a boatload of info (and a few suggestions)! I've finally been supplied with the dates for the 3 series (and the movie as well).

I've also added new info regarding Gatch merchandise. Please let me know of anything else you might be able to think of (and let me know how to get it). Most of this stuff can be ordered through Nikaku Animart (and if they don't have it in stock, I've heard they'll special order it for you).

Also, I've begun to archive Ant's BOTP pages here. Some of the links might be a bit flakey (especially since I haven't copied the sounds over yet), but it should be up soon. Since I have a limited amount of space here, I may not have room for his sound bites (but I'll still hang on to them).

June 27, 1995

There are still a few things I'd like to do with this page, time permitting. I'm working on writing a summary of my own (or getting a real one HTML-ized). While Ennien's description is, in my opinion, accurate , it doesn't really summarize the series as a whole. I'll probably just rename it Introduction or something.

As of 6/27, I've commited myself to archiving Anthony's Battle of the Planets page here, since his page is going bye-bye.

Also, when I get a chance (not sure if that will be before or after the summary gets written), I'm going to try to put some scans of the new character designs from the OAV series up here (I have a book, now I just need to get the time).

Be sure to keep an eye open...

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Jennifer Nolan | jnolan@bit-net.com