
This site is dedicated to all true Saint Seiya fans over the world and especially to
Masami Kurumada, the creator of Saint Seiya.
Arythar McShido

Since the initial beginning and the actual state of this site, many things have changed. The image-mosaic and the site list are still one of the main sections of this page, though the newer sections are not less interesting. The initial thing to make this site has been to create an image-archive featuring high-quality images. I am litteraly sick, tired and annoyed by all those pics I found on the net (I refer to some image-archives in general) which are unsharp, weak in colours, at a low contrast rate, saved in JPEG with a high compression factor and in general not in a good quality, etc. etc. at least for me (can't help myself, but I'm very fastidious concerning this). So I took some self-iniciative and did something against those just aforementioned points. Said in other terms, you will hardly find any images under 100K in the image mosaic!

This site is in general very strongly graphical-oriented. User with slow connection and overcrowded lines and servers might become impatient, but the extensive grahical design and the way of publishing of this site should hopefully pay off all drawbacks the net offers to the surfer.

A goal of this Saint Seiya page is to bring the Saint Seiya fans from worldwide together by the site-list. All pages found on the net which are directly related to Saint Seiya are listed in the site-list, and all new sites detected will be added to the site list without compromises. There are the known Saint Seiya homepages, and there are also some rather unknown pages.

Furthermore, this site provides you infos about Saint Seiya in general, like a list of ISBN-numbers of the mangas, as well as some backgroundinformations and hard facts about Saint Seiya, subject to availability.
Those who might remember, in the announcement of the site (which was announced during 5 months by the way) I first planned to call the site "The Saint Seiya service page" since I considered to offer mainly various kind of infos about Saint Seiya. Many things changed since then.
It changed to 'Saint Seiya International' since this site offers you links to all known Saint Seiya sites over the world, and it is open for every Saint Seiya fan or those who are just interested in this series. Further I plan to offer this site in different languages, I plan to make a French version and even a German one among other languages I consider. A German version might be very interesting, since Saint Seiya is an unexplored world to German anime fans. (Will say by that: Saint Seiya has never been aired in the German spoken countries). Introducing Saint Seiya to the German anime-people might be very interesting.

'Saint-Seiya.com' stand in no way to be anything commercial as it is mostly usual for .com- sites. Instead, I consider the .com in this site as 'community'. You are a Saint Seiya fan? Then you are in the worldwide Saint Seiya fandom community. This community is in no way directed by this site, but by each Saint Seiya fan.

This site is finished, it's not under construction. But, I consider to expand this site in the future with more things.
Further, this site is supposed to offer mainly things which other Saint Seiya site do not offer. So rather than making another character-profiles of all Saints and offering a various selection of tunes, I chose some specific topics to put in the sections.

I cannot be made liable in any form for the content of this site. But if you detect something wrong or which is not correct in general in this site, feel free to inform me.

All in all, I just can say it took me TREMENDOUS much time creating this site from the very beginning up to it's completion. In total I spent over 100 hours setting up the elements together. The graphical elements were those which used to be the most time-consuming things. For instance, each icon on the bars on the side and top you see took me in the average one hour from the idea how it would look like, till to the finish. Creating such small icons so that you still can recognize the details is a true challenge. Further, making the transparent images so that the edges are going well with the background (no white lines, no rough edges) requires much time. Several attempts and patience are needed in order to get a decent result.
I like to be creative, and this site reflects my creativity in a certain way, especially considering the time I took me for each individual graphical element.
I hope you enjoy your stay in this site as much as I did for creating it.

CDs listened during the creation of this page:
(In no particular order)

Saint Seiya Shonenki CD
Chris Hülsbeck 'Sound Factory'
B't X original soundtrack 2
Saint Seiya Hades image-CD
Cyber City Oedo 808
Saint Seiya Memorial Box CD #1
Saint Seiya 'The Heated War of the Gods' CD
Wipeout 2097
Saint Seiya 'Legend of Crimson Youth'
Super Stardust
YMO (Yello Magical Orchestra) - Early tunes
Chris Hülsbeck 'Rainbows'
Back to the Future 1
Project A-Ko Final Image Album
Enya Watermark
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles soundtrack
Super Nintendo Magazine CD issue 5.94

Street Fighter II original soundtrack
Chris Hülsbeck 'Shades'
Saint Seiya 'Warriors of the Final Holy Battle'
YMO (Yellow Magical Orchestra) - The middle
B't X original Soundtrack
Batman Forever
Chris Hülsbeck 'Turrican'
Synthesizer Greatest Hits 5
Living Colours
Saint Seiya Memorial Box CD #3
YMO (Yellow Magical Orchestra) - The recent
Synthesizer Greatest Hits 4
Chris Hülsbeck 'To be on Top'
Saint Seiya Memorial Box CD #2
The Greatest Synthesizer Hits


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