The Project of our Dreams

Everybody knows that Saint Seiya is an excellent feature. Though this anime is already more than 10 years old, it didn't loose anything of it's fascination. Most of the fans do know that the Manga also features a Hades-chapter, and most of the fans do also know that this feature has actually never been realised as a TV-series or OAV. Furthermore, Masami Kurumada actually planned to continue the Saint Seiya saga after the Hades-chapter. He didn't realised this project due to problems which were obstructing his "way of Saint Seiya". (Refer to the Knowledge-section for more informations.)

Chances that the Hades-chapter will be adapted to OAV or to a TV-series are low. A glimmer of hope gives us the Saint Seiya "Shonenki"-CD, which has been released in January 1997. For instance, the drama part on the CD is actually held after the battle in Hades'-Kingdom.

Anyway: Saint Seiya makes the fans dreaming, since there are fan-fictions of Saint Seiya.
Also a netmate (Diego Lastra) and I have got our dreams, and we are thinking "why eagerly waiting for a new Saint Seiya feature if we could give it a try and make something on our own?" Actually a prestigious dream, which tends to turn out in an impossible project.
Saint Seiya is a legend which actually is not. (Or vice versa). Will say by that: Saint Seiya gets very fast popular where it is shown, and gets in oblivion when the show is over, due the lack of the support.
We don't think about a "Saint Seiya GT" or "Saint Seiya plus", but about a "Saint Seiya: Legends".

Making a complete Saint Seiya feature in 3D by computer would be our dream. Some fans might think "yuck!! Computers! How artificial!!!". We understand this attitude, but have you already seen the intros of "Tekken 2" and "Soul Blade"? They're simply great! And this is also our minimum reference concerning the animation quality.
The fact that Diego Lastra is into 3D-animations as a freelance-animator and I am generally fascinated about 3D-animations (but never found an opportunity to get seriously into it so far) encourages us to make an attempt doing "the first step to reality from our dream".

The story would have a deep atmosphere and ambience (talking about ambience, already seen the intro of the game "Diablo"? That's 'atmosfear'!), as well as unique camera-positions and movements.
Further, our dream would be to show the Saint Seiya feature in an IMAX cinema at 60 frames per seconds.
The problems of our dream-projects are the following things: We simply haven't got the ressources, neither the finanical ones nor the technical ones yet. For instance, organising IMAX-peripherials for our needs are very expensive, and first we'd need to have some powerful 3D-raytracing-machines with enough memory to cope with image-resolution of like 25,000 x 19,000 pixels.

Don't get us wrong, all this is just a dream we have, whose realisation is not in sight.
But: Aren't the Saints in the story saying "if we believe strongly in a dream, then it will come true?"

You could consider the following picture as the very initial beginning: This is a view inside the Temple of the Gemini, done by Diego Lastra. He hasn't finished it, but hey wait, where is the hallway leading to?

Inside the Temple of the Gemini


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