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FAQ on this Page

What is "CSMP"? I see it all over your site.

Don't laugh! ^_^ You'd be surprised at how many people ask me when they see this site. CSMP stands for Crayon Shinchan Manga Page.

How do you know about Crayon Shinchan?

When I went to Japan a couple of years ago my cousins gave me a little plastic figure with no pants on... it was Shinchan! I watched the show after receiving the figure and found the show very funny. Since I can't get Shinchan Videos in Australia, I decided to get the manga books. I have 18 volumes right now. (out of 18, I think)

What is the purpose of this page?

The internet is for writing about what you like right? (unless you are out to earn money) There are a lot of pages on a vast field of subjects but there is little on Crayon Shinchan. Disregarding that fact I am a big Shinchan fan, I'm a strong believer that the internet should have lots of info about a lot of things.

The purpose of this page is for people to understand Shinchan better. Also you can do many things with the images such as use them as a desktop picture/pattern, make icons, make birthday/Christmas cards or stick them on your file so you will always have a reminder of the funny dude which should always keep you happy.

Is the voting thing rigged?

Absolutely not! I did not do the "readers' score" section for a while because I did not get any submissions. I don't really mind the few submissions cause I add up the scores manually on a calculator. Some people might of voted many times but I did not think they were valid so I ignored them.

FAQ on Crayon Shinchan

What is Crayon Shinchan?

Crayon Shinchan is a Japanese anime/manga based on a little boy going around creating mischief. Anime is Japanese animation while manga is a Japanese comic book, there is a distinct difference between Japanese animation and manga compared to other western styles.

Most anime/mangas contain lots of violence, nudity and possibly sex but Shinchan is a little more family oriented. Not many people can explain what Crayon Shinchan is like because it is nothing like any show you've ever seen.

How old is Shinchan?

Shinchan is 5 years old. Always 5 years old.

Does Shinchan age?

No he doesn't. You see many new year celebrations but never birthdays. Even with the birth of his sister, Shinchan does not age. The comic would lose meaning if he did.

Why is Shinchan so weird?

All of his relatives a weird in a way and all the genes combined create Shinnosuke. This is my theory.

Is Shinchan smart or stupid?

The world will probably never know. He uses the privileges of a 5 year old kid to do what adults would only dream of but sometimes Shinchan drops to the intelligence of a normal 5 year old kid.

How come Crayon Shinchan is not so popular in US or UK?

Well anime really got popular because "Akira". After this action type manga/anime got popular but the comedies were hardly touched. When translating action type stories you can translate word for word but if you do this with comedies some Jokes might not be funny due to cultural differences.

Are there any upcoming Shinchan video games?

There were a few Shinchan titles for the Super Famicom™ but I must admit they really sucked. Even if there were a video game coming to the N64, PSX or Saturn I wouldn't get that excited. Shinchan and interactivity don't mix because it is the element of surprise that makes Shinchan funny. That is unless you're still laughing at the "zou-chin" joke after seeing it for the 50th time.

Is Crayon Shinchan socially accepted in Japan?

Some people hate Shinchan and think it should be banned forever while some people just love it (like me). This is a very sensitive issue because what kind of ideas is Crayon Shinchan putting in a 5 year old's mind when he pulls his pants down. Nudity in Japan is more accepted in Japan and Asian countries compared to other places around the world.

Is it "Shinchan" or "Shin-chan"?

In Japan a suffix of "kun" or "chan" is given to children. Generally, "kun" is for boys only but "chan" goes both ways. Shinchan's name in full is Shinnosuke Nohara and that is where we get Shin-chan from. If you've been to several Shinchan pages you'll notice it differs all the time. In the Yahoo directory it is spelt "shin-chan". It really doesn't matter in the end.

Where can I get Shinchan CDs, Laser Discs and videos?

I wouldn't know, this is a manga page. You could try your local anime retailer or where ever you usually get your CDs/LDs/Anime Videos. You could also try an online anime store.

Do you have a picture of _______ ?

No. What you see on this page is what you get.

Where can I get Shinchan Manga books?

Try a Japanese Culture center so you can borrow the books. Otherwise purchase them from a mail order service, internet site or an importer/exporter (you can ask a friend in Japan if you want). If you live in Japan just walk into a manga bookstore.

If you would like to read the books in Korean , Cantonese or any other language ask your local Korean/Chinese book store. You could also try the internet.

Please don't ask me which internet sites sell the books because I don't know. If I did I would put the addresses on this page.

Who is Crayon Shinchan for?

Everyone! Little kids will laugh at some jokes and adults will laugh at the more mature jokes. Sure I find some jokes annoying and repetitive but I just love others. There is only one thing I hate about the Crayon Shinchan Anime and that is those absolutely awful music and lyrics. The manga gets rid of that.

The target audience for Crayon Shinchan is primary school kids but consider this: Sailor Moon's target audience is 6 to 12 year old girls. There are some jokes that the average 10 year old would not understand, these are the jokes that I like.