
The winner of last month's contest is Danae, who suggested "Itsuji no Kami" as a new name for the Stupid Tidbits. Itsuji no Kami is obviously a play on the web site's title, and means "Goddess of Little-Known Facts." I will be implementing the new title soon.

The next update will involve a slightly altered site design, a staff page, and details on the Japanese DVD release of A Girl in Gaia!


The most common request I get is for more pictures, more more more! Ask and you shall receive! How about some scans from the Japanese movie premiere program? Not enough? OK, how about almost 20 new character design sketches by Nobuteru Yuuki? Still not enough? Well then tough cookies, because my scanner is panting with exhaustion.

Translations of Sora and Call Your Name have been uploaded to the music page.

Contest Update: I am sorting through the submissions now and should be contacting the winner via e-mail sometime tonight. There were 172 submissions! Thanks to everyone who entered. Would you like to see more contests? If so, what kind of contest would you like to participate in? Random drawing? Fan art contest? Something weird? Let me know!

Coming Soon: A new page about the film's production staff and voice actors, and a new gallery containing mini-screenshots! Be patient on the screenshots, please — there are a lot to make, and it will take some time.