Though I may or may not update this page as time goes by, I had to add these tips simply because those stupid pop-up adds annoy me to no end and I wanted to get the word out about these secrets. Keep in mind though, part of the contracts w/ Geocities, Tripod, and Xoom are that you have to have their ads on your site. =) If you've got any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.

Geocities Pop-Up Adds

Geocities pop-up ads are annoying enough without the added watermark and little .gif at the bottom. To get rid of the pop-up ad, add the following tag at the end of your .html file:

Of course, if you're running other scripts on your page, this tag will generate problems.

Tripod Pop-Up Adds

Very simple to toast the tripod ads. Don't have the following tags in your file (these are used at the beginning to denote the title tag, etc.):

It seems as though Tripod has figured out our little secret here so the above task doesn't work anymore, at least for my page. I do have a tip for viewers of Tripod pages. Don't close the first banner page that opens. As long as one is kept open, others won't pop up. =)

Copy and paste the following script to your first page. It may help to have splash page, but I don't really care for those.

From all your links on that page, inside the <a href> tags add:

Once again, make sure you only use relative links when linking within your site and to replace the italicized words with your information.

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Sailormoon is © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation, Bandai & DiC.
Generals Love © 1999 Lady Mars. Read the Fine Print.