Lady Aishiteru

35 mm
Inspired by her friends, Ami starts a lucrative photo shop in downtown Tokyo. But she may get more than she bargained for....

Chapter 1 - Thanks For the Memories
Chapter 2 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 3 - Rude Awakening
Chapter 4 - I Know What You Did Last Night
Chapter 5 - Dodge and Burn
Chapter 6 - Contact - What Develops in the Dark
Chapter 7 - Coming Into Focus
Chapter 8 - No Doubt
Epilogue - What Words Cannot Say


35 mm II - Behind the Lens
Minako Aino is a very successful but lonely supermodel. Could it be that the self proclaimed goddess of love is clueless when it comes to affairs of the heart?

Chapter 1 - The Eye of the Beholder
Chapter 2 - Serendipity
Chapter 3 - A Model Citizen
Chapter 4 - What Lies Beneath
Chapter 5 - Buyer Beware
Chapter 6 - No Answers
Chapter 7 - No Return
Chapter 8 - No Logic


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