

Read Me

Love Goddess and the City

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5a | Part 5b
Part 6 | Part 7


One Child: Series

Read Me
Half a World Away
Renewed Vows
Through the Looking Glass
Adonis?? Part 1
Adonis?? Part 2
Tired Cries Part 1
Tired Cries Part 2


Tragic Destiny: Series
After the death of the senshi a new story begins. Just how will the senshi find thier princess this time?

Valentine's Day
The Meeting
The Furies
The Destined
The Ending...?


[ Authors A-L | M-Z || Titles A-L | M-Z || Main ]

Generals Love © 1999-2001 Lady Mars
Please do not take anything from this site. Thank you.

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