Trixie Turnpike


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[Anime Web Turnpike]
Turnpike Logo: Trixie Turnpike

    For quite a while, many Turnpike fans have asked me if I had any logos or icons they could use on their web pages to represent the Turnpike. I had always planned to create some, but more important projects always seemed to place it on the backburner.

    On one of my many anime page surfing quests, I came across a fan art page created by . At the bottom of the page was an absolutely KAWAII, superdeformed girl hitchhiking her way to the Turnpike. I liked her so much, I contacted Hans and he agreed to let me use her as a logo for the Turnpike!

    She has been dubbed "Trixie Turnpike" ^_^. So please feel free to copy any version of Trixie you like for use on your web pages. Just make sure you copy the image to your machine and not call it from mine, thanks. Also, I'd like to know if you are using Trixie on your page, so please feel free to let me know by filling out this form.

    Special thanks to , whose animated version of Trixie inspired Hans to create his own. ^_^

Example HTML Code

This code can vary depending on the name on the image,
location of the image, and if you're linking to a Turnpike mirror site.
<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="">
<img src="trixie1a.gif" WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="100" border="0" alt="[Anime Web Turnpike]"><BR>Anime Web Turnpike</A>

Thanks to all the almost 2800 sites
that have placed Trixie on their pages!

Trixie Turnpike

Name: trixie1a.gif Name: trixie2a.gif
Width by Height: 75x100 Width by Height: 75x100
Size: 4.035 KB Size: 3.995 KB
Colors: 32 Colors: 32
Use On:
Light Backgrounds
Use On:
Dark Backgrounds
Static Version: trixie1.gif Static Version: trixie2.gif

Winter Trixie

Name: trixie3a.gif Name: trixie4a.gif
Width by Height: 75x100 Width by Height: 75x100
Size: 4.338 KB Size: 4.285 KB
Colors: 64 Colors: 64
Use On:
Light Backgrounds
Use On:
Dark Backgrounds
Static Version: trixie3.gif Static Version: trixie4.gif

Summer Trixie

Name: trixie5a.gif Name: trixie6a.gif
Width by Height: 75x100 Width by Height: 75x100
Size: 4.069 KB Size: 4.101 KB
Colors: 64 Colors: 64
Use On:
Light Backgrounds
Use On:
Dark Backgrounds
Static Version: trixie5.gif Static Version: trixie6.gif

Mononoke Trixie

Name: trixie9a.gif Name: trixie10a.gif
Width by Height: 75x100 Width by Height: 75x100
Size: 5.299 KB Size: 5.220 KB
Colors: 64 Colors: 64
Use On:
Light Backgrounds
Use On:
Dark Backgrounds
Static Version: trixie9.gif Static Version: trixie10.gif

Sailor Trixie

Name: trixie7a.gif Name: trixie8a.gif
Width by Height: 75x100 Width by Height: 75x100
Size: 5.623 KB Size: 5.414 KB
Colors: 64 Colors: 64
Use On:
Light Backgrounds
Use On:
Dark Backgrounds
Static Version: trixie7.gif Static Version: trixie8.gif

Turnpike Logo Form

Please fill this out if you plan to use Trixie on your web page. Arigatou!

Email Address:
Web Page Link:
Web Page Title:


Turnpike Logo: Trixie Turnpike @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Trixie Turnpike © 1996-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey & .
Last Update: 3/29/99